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Meet Boo Boo!


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Hello all!


I am Faisal from Dubai. I am originally a Paki. I just bought a one-year-old African Gray today. I've decided to name it Boo Boo.


This is my first African Gray and I do not know yet what sex it is (help please!). Also, I had my first experience since the moment I bought it. When I bought it, it was the only Gray in the store that was not caged. I booked it in the morning and the shopkeeper told me to go get a large cage and I can pick the bird in the evening. When he was placing Boo Boo in the cage, it started screaming. He said its not used to being caged and prefers being left open. It screamed all the way home in the car and I had to leave it in the balcony all alone to calm it down.


Then I did some reading and found that was a bad idea. After some thinking, I decided to bring it in the house (it was still screaming whenever it saw me). Then I sat near it. I wanted to be at the same eye-level with Boo Boo to let it trust me and not think I am trying to hurt/eat it. Finally the screaming went away. I had left the top of the cage open so that Boo Boo can come up and be in the open. I sat there for about 2 hours and now finally Boo Boo has climbed to almost the top of the cage, and is no longer screaming when it sees me walking into the room.


Now as I walk in, I say "Hello".


Did I get it right? Or is the bird really scared of me and hates me?


Please let me know...


Thanks all in advance.

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Well a move and change of enviroment was probably why boo boo was screaming just give him/her some time to adjust and trust you. And as far as finding out sex blood dna tests have to be done to determine you can have it done at the vet. Good luck and welcome to grey forums. Keep us posted with pics and info.


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Hey Romeo,


thanks for your reply. Yes, it is quiet now. And when I turned off the lights in the kitchen (thats where he is going to be this week, till I move to my new place) it quickly climbed our of the cage and is now sitting on the top on the wooden rod. But now no more screaming. I think he is jsut taking his time to get used to the place. Or maybe its a she! Anyways, its mine and I love it.


Thanks again! {Pics. I just took some, will post right away}


P.S DNA tests here in UAE! For an animal? I dunno about that. But I have some connections in the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, they should be able to help me for sure. They keep the expensive Falcons (about $60,000) at this quarantine when they get here from Pakistan for the sheikhs. Maybe they can DNA the feathers.

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Hi Faisal, welcome to the forum :)


That's a real cute name: BooBoo B)


I'm looking forward to the photos.


Do you keep falcons as well (because of your nickname)?


I think you are handling it exactly right with Booboo, he (or she) needs time. They're just like human beings sometimgs :P


(I had to laugh about your mentioning 'connections' :blush: it's just like here, in Israel: same thing :laugh:

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Hi Fairy,


Thanks! I love the name BooBoo too.

The photos are in my profile.

No, I do not have any falcons. I love them. But just too expensive for me. Like I said, about $40,000 (US) for an inexpensive one. They go even more than that. We have Falconeering competetions here in dubai. one was on just a couple of weeks ago. I think it was the World championship or something. Its fun to watch those birds hunt. I do feel sorry for the pegions though! :P

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Falconeer wrote:

Hi Fairy,


Thanks! I love the name BooBoo too.

The photos are in my profile.

No, I do not have any falcons. I love them. But just too expensive for me. Like I said, about $40,000 (US) for an inexpensive one. They go even more than that. We have Falconeering competetions here in dubai. one was on just a couple of weeks ago. I think it was the World championship or something. Its fun to watch those birds hunt. I do feel sorry for the pegions though! :P


The photos are in my profile.


{Love-0002011D}He's just adorable. And, with that size of photo one can really see him 'up-close' :laugh: The feathers at his chest truly look like they're made of silver.....

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Thanks Fairy.


He's just got some behavior problems. I mean he has been away from his cage all night long siting on this total-gym stupid machine:silly: . Its in a hard to reach spot so I have left him there till he gets hungry and comes back to his cage for food.


Thanks again!

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he is FUN. tonnes of it. I always wanted someone to keep me busy... I think I'm in love! :kiss:


Just bought him toys today. Spent about $25.00

The best one of them is a mirror I bought for him. He just loves looking at the image and even talks to it in there!



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