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Re: BITES!!!


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:( Proably this has been asked a million times and I just don't know where to look. Here goes another time! Precious, my six year old CAG has just started biting! The first time was about two weeks ago. I was talking to my grand-daughter on the phone while Precious and I were eating. I thought that was an attention getting bite but there have been several since. Today there were three! Most of the time she makes all her love sounds when I am close to her. I use a perch for "step up", have her at eye level or lower except when she is on the stand. That is the way it has always been. What can I do to have my non-biting Preciou back?:( :unsure: Thank you. kittykittykitty
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Something has changed, whether it's a physical change in you or your home, or a perceived change that your CAG is unhappy with. Please examine her environment and yourself for anything that she could perceive as different. (hair style, colour, cologne, clothing colours, furniture arrangement, cage arrangement, cage placement, new TV or other equipment...... the list is endless.) Just about anything can trigger this sort of behaviour, and is sometimes the hardest thing for us "catch" and correct. I hope you find it! :ohmy:

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Guest Skuffy

Kitty,your Teen bird is Testing you,,Simple way to stop bites........Each time yur Bird goes to bite u,,step-him up and put him back in his cage with a Sternnnnnnnnn,,No-Bite,,,Lock him up for 10mins and walk away..Go back 10mins later,,repeat this each time he Bites you,,Your in control,,NOT the Bird..he will get to understand IF i Bite i go to bed,,:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/07/13 10:57

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At six years old, he is sexually mature. He could be hormonal right now in addition to the great tips on what to look for for that M2MM posted.


A Stern "NO BITE" with a good eye stare will help get the message across also. :-)


The reason they may bite in situations like M2MM mentioned. Is to get you to move from the area or item your Grey thinks is a threat. He may think he is not only protecting himself, but you also from the perceived threat.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/13 14:15

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I could be way off here, but Liath bites when she is (a) hungry or (b) overtired. If she has been out for a long time or if there has been too much activity in the house for her to get her usual naps in she gets very grouchy.:S

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Hi All: Good ideas! I had been taking Precious out of the cage more and was giving her breakfast on the stand rather than in the cage. That has been a few weeks. I had surgery for a torn right rotator cuff in February. There were no problems with my daughters here or while I was having physical therapy. It is interesting that the biting started after my energy started improving. I will continue returning her to the cage as soon as she bites, or tries to. I have not returned in ten minutes. I'll do that. I moved her toys around and gave her a new one and a new fabric swing on Friday, thinking she might be bored. Maybe she is one of the Greys who does not tolerate change. And maybe she has been hungery or overtired. I'll look at that, also. Thank you all. :) :) kittykittykitty

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