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Cheerio Update

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She's a girl! She was tested at the vet when I took her for her initial well bird check-up. She's a very healthy two year old TAG. Our family is learning her personality, what she likes and what she does not. She doesn't come out of her cage for anyone but me. She'll step up for others if I basically hand her off but not is someone tries to get her off her perch. She's been talking a good bit. She really got going after about a month. Then, she slowed down when we brought Noodles, a cockatoo into the flock. She's grudgingly tolerating him. She will not let him get too close and I know better than to see how they would do on a play gym together. She has warmed up quite a bit to scratches and snuggles. She likes to get up under my chin, into my neck. One thing we are working on is her "bites" of what I take to be affection but they often are painful. She seems over interested in my lips at these times. Once when she was on my shoulder, she bit my ear and drew blood. I'm always telling her to be gentle and if she is too rough, I put her on my knee. If she really bites hard, I return her to her cage with a neutral attitude although I do say ouch and that I don't like that. She's tolerating the shower. She'll get a little more wet each time but she clearly doesn't like it. I've had her out without a harness (she is clipped) which I know is a big no-no. I feel bad because Noodles wears a harness and goes out with me quite a bit. I haven't tried the harness on Cheerio. I value my fingers too much. I'm hoping she'll get the idea when she sees Noodles getting it on and going out, but I fear that is wishful thinking. I do take her out and about when I know we're primarily indoors. I took her, Noodles and our cockatiel to a little toddler program we were invited to at a neighborhood restaurant. Everyone was on their best behavior, including the children. Of course I kept her on my shoulder and wouldn't allow anyone to attempt to pet her. Noodles is the one who allows that type of attention. So, we're just one big happy flock. The challenge is ensuring everyone gets enough attention. So far so good.

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