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Hi. I'm Blaine. I'm new to African Greys, but not birds. I've been on bird forums and have had them for a few years now. I'm 11, and wondering if an African Grey (specifically the Congo African Grey) is the right bird for me. I go to school but am willing to take it out whenever it needs it. I have most of the needed items on hand, and have done a bit of research on them. I'm looking for a bird the i can have out and lightly stroke and talk to, and that doesn't screech. Before I go any further, would a Congo African Grey be the right bird for someone like me?

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I haven't met anyone, who likes parrots, that didn't think of getting a Grey, but Greys are not for everyone.


Greys require a lot of interaction and are very demanding, intelligent and reserved birds. Most successful relationships with them are with adults who have time, patience, understanding, and experience with very young children.


Speaking from my own experience, I don't think that I could have taken on a Grey successfully without having already raised my children. A Grey can try your patience, and it takes all of your ingenuity to even attempt to understand them well enough to get along with them.


This is not to say that it's impossible for a young person to have a good relationship with a Grey, but you would definitely need your parents to participate fully. They need a lot of attention, which because of school, you wouldn't be able to provide on a daily basis.


Greys aren't always quiet and can be unreasonably demanding and vocal unless very well trained. Many adult owners have difficulty coping with a Grey, especially when they start to mature (enter into their puberty.)


I believe the best choice for a young person would be a cockatiel, and if you'd like it to be able to talk, then a male would be needed. The females don't talk, and they tend to scream a lot (in my experience).


BTW, welcome! :)

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Hi Blaine and Welcome! African Greys require a lot of attention. At 11, you still have lots of activities that you will be involved in, especially when you get into middle school, high school, and then college. I think you will be a wonderful bird owner!

Unless you have parents that are willing to spend the needed time for your bird. I think I would spend time researching them and all their needs, and when you really have the time and money,(as they are expensive in their care) then I am sure you will be happy with one. :)

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Hi Blaine & Welcome :) I have no doubt you would make a good grey owner but you need to discuss every aspect of owning a grey with your parents,will they care & commit themselves 100% ? Have a good read around all the threads on the froum perhaps with one of your parents :)

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Thanks for all of the information! I'm really the only bird lover in my family. My mom probably wouldn't even touch one. If it's the bird that needs more than one care giver, it probably isn't the right bird for me. I've been talking on another African Grey forum and they had high praise for cockatiels. I looked up information on cockatiels yesterday and they seem likely to be a good pet for me. Thanks again! :)

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I think that at 11 you are too young to try to devote your time to the care of a grey especially since your parents would be no help to you. You need to enjoy your school years and then settle down into a job then give a grey a home if that is still what you want. A cockatiel is a much better choice for the time being but you sound like you would make a good parront for one in the future should you so decide, good luck to you.:)

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Hi Blaine- glad you've joined us. You seem very responsible considering your desire to research before going out and getting the first bird you see. A cockatiel would be a great bird for you right now. Perhaps in the future you will want to reconsider a grey, when you have the money and time to devote to it. Best of luck to you.

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Hello Blaine, let me tell you, the people in your family that doesn't like birds, will be the one that the grey will bond with. Just ask me, it happened to me. They are right, it takes a---lot of time for one of these parrots, and if you don't give it all the time and attention that it requires, it will pick its belly until all of the feathers are gone. I would recommend that you start with a small parrot, like me a sweet, little quaker, or a cockatiel is great. You are just getting to the prime age for activities in school...sports, UIL, Band...and that will take alot of your time. Trust me, I have a thirteen year old, who just thought he wanted chickens of all things, something that requires alot of attention.....and so we bought chickens, and guess who has to take care of the chickens? His father and I. Stinky ol' chickens!!! anyone want to buy chickens? :sick:

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