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really new bird owner

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My name is Lorri and I suddenly became an owner of a CAG(Old Greg)and a Senegal Parrot (Ollie). I have never had birds before and I just jumped in with both feet. The previous owner was a gentleman who was found dead in his home after a couple of days. His family didn't know what to do with the birds and in a twist of fate, I mentioned to a friend of the family that I had always wanted a bird, and by that afternoon, I had two. So I don't know how old they are or their names. I have been reading what I can about them. I just got some books yesterday. It has been about three weeks and things were going pretty well. The CAG talks a lot and is very smart, the Senegal just seemed freaked out. I thought the Senegal wanted me to pet him the other day and after a sec. he bit me and when I pulled my finger out he was still attached and was flung on the floor. It took a couple of minuets to catch him-- found out his wings are not clipped. I don't think he was ever out of his cage before. I got him back in his cage and since then the CAG has been either mad or scared of me. He had been warming up to me nicely, he let me pet him and would hang out on the outside of his cage and maybe once a day fly to the floor and then he'd step up on my hand. Now, how do I make up to him?

Also, after reading my book on Senegals I started taking him in a towel to the bathroom and practiced stepping up and I'm able to pet him if his face is covered with the towel. Yesterday he stepped up with my hand covered and today on my bare hand. The whole time I was in the bathroom my grey was making a bunch of noise. How should I proceed? Any advice? Thanks

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Welcome Lorri! Wow, two birds at once, but it sounds like you're doing well considering they are your firsts.




Which books do you have so far? Hopefully "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker, and any title by Barbara Heidenreich. Both authors know there stuff and offer the best advice. :)

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oldgreg wrote:

Thank you for your encouraging words. I did get "For the Love of Greys" and Barron's "Guide to the Senegal Parrot". I haven't read it all yet, I'm trying to figure out what all these behavious mean.


Welcome Lorri!!


Those are both excellent books and contain a wealth of good information.


All the behaviours you are seeing from two newly re-homed Parrots is normal. They are in a strange environment, with a flock of humans they do not know.


Also, it is very possible that the previous owner did not interact with them in an "out of cage" physical manner very often, if at all.


The key is patience, gentleness and consistency, as you have been demonstrating. Old Greg, having watched as the Senegal was flung to the floor, probably considered that as a hostile act to his only remaining flock member. These Greys are VERY sensitive and intelligent. Old Greg will come around.


But, you must earn his trust. Once you have his trust, everything else will follow, including building a very close and loving relationship.


You have come to the right place for help when you need it and also just a good place to share your stories with other Grey owners that truly care about others.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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thanks for the advice, Old Greg seems better today. This is the first time I have ever been part of a forum. You have no idea how I'm glued to it now. I joined yesterday and then didn't get a thing done the rest of the day. I just read and read and checked for replies every three minutes. I feel like I'm starting off with the advanced owner's birds and I don't want to do something and then find out it wasn't the right thing to do. It sounds like mistakes are sometimes hard to fix.:unsure: Should I do anything yet to get Old Greg to step up?

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You can certainly offer for him to step-up. But, if he refuses or acts uncomfortable with you getting that close by ruffling his feathers and pinning his eyes, just back off and honor his body language. :-)


You are certainly doing all the right things, reading and asking!! We enjoy nothing more than helping others and having just good general conversations with our fellow Grey owners. :-)

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Old Greg is such a fun bird, he always says "Good Morning" when I come out to uncover him. He can sing part of My darling Clemintine and since I didn't know what their names' were, I was kind of waiting for him to tell me what his name was. It is a big deal to name a bird who will carry it for decades. My boys 17 and 20 were trying to get it to say something they thought was funny from a u-tube video and when he said "I'm old Greg" their reaction- whooping and dancing around the house made him want to say it often. So since he says "I'm old Greg" I let it stick. The u-tube video they got it from is questionable, but I like the name. Anyway-- that was off topic. He doesn't want to step up yet but he looks like he's thinking about it a lot. He wants to have the interaction but he can't seem to go for it yet. I can wait.

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Hello Lorri and welcome to the family, we are so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Old Greg.


My you do have your hands full, and you do have to watch what you wish for as you ended up with two birds. Sorry that it started out harsh for Ollie but you didn't know any better and things can be fixed but it will take time.


I second Dan's remarks, give it lots of time and use the utmost patience in working with these two birds, they have come into a new home with new owners and they are leary of you and their surroundings. You will be able to build a good relationship with the both of them but it will take lots of effort on your part to build that trust. The road won't be easy but in the end it will all be worth it and we have some members here who have been in your shoes and can guide you thru this process so keep an open mind.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so take some time to read thru as many as you can and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Old Greg and Ollie you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Welcome Lorri. It's great you were able to give both birds a good home. I'm sure they have been through a lot with having their previous owner die and now adjusting to a new home. Like others have stated, it will take lots of time and patience for them to adjust to you and the new surroundings. Keep at it and you'll have two new best friends.

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welcome Lorri, and all I can offer you as far as advice goes, it to just keep at it. I had babysitted a CAG and he bit me several times at first, and then seemed to bond with me....that is until my husband showed up, and he just fell in love with him, and had nothing else to do with me. I only had him three weeks, until he had to go back home. so I am greyless....to say the least.

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