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Question about adding a grey to my flock


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Hey everyone I am in search of information!!! Im thinking of adding a cag to my flock....but I want as much information as I can get to make sure I can care for and give him everything he needs to be a happy healthy bird. I've fostered a U2 so I have expierence with larger birds. Currently I have a 2 year old Caique, that I hand feed and raised since he was 4 weeks old. I know larger birds require much more time, expense, and are louder and messier but I want to know the things that these websites dont tell you. Everywhere I have looked all I see are the positives about owning a grey.


My questions are:


About how much money do you spend on your Grey monthly?


What are your greys favorite foods?


What are the best kind of toys for your grey?


What do you do to help prevent health issues that greys are faced with like calcium deficiency and ect?


Im single and could get married one day who knows, but if i do how much stress would that put on a grey and how do you avoid that?


How is your greys behavior and attitude....and how does it change with their age?


Do you keep your grey full flighted or clipped?


I know the answer to this one is most likely yes, but is your grey a one person bird?


and anything else you can tell me that I would need to know to help me in making the decision that a grey is right or wrong for me.


One more concern that I have would be a jealousy issue between the new bird I will be getting and the one I have now. How do you avoid that issue. If you have more than one bird, do you keep them in the same room or different rooms? Do you keep them out at the same time or take one out and then the other. I would never ever put my birds together in fear of safety but how do you handle having more than one bird? I've always had quakers and tiles which never was an issue but a grey is a much larger bird so I want to make sure I do everything correctly. Thanks so much!!



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Hi Cheerprincess,


If you search on the forum for a few select key words you'll find a lot of answers to those questions :)


M2MM has posted a comprehensive reading list, which also features many of the books other members have recommended in a similar thread. Book are always a great place to start:


Here is one of the other book threads as well:



Preventing health issues requires a proper diet and regular veterinarian checks. On a similar note, you may wish to check out Dan's article on wellness checks.


My grey sees his avian vet every 6 months (although sometimes we miss one and it'll be a year in between checks). He gets bloodwork done once a year, the other check is just a nice birdy-physical. My guy is clipped, but not fully. We only clip his first 3 primaries because he's clumsy and this way he can maintain better flight than he could if they were all clipped.


I haven't priced out how much I spend on Edison on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis. I try to make my own toys, so I think that cuts down on the cost a little, but I'm sure his overall cost is more than I care too look at :D. I think there was a thread on this, but i couldn't find it when I did a quick look.


Best type of toys depend on your grey. Mine prefers shredable and foraging toys. Even more so: foraging toys which are shredable. But I have a mixture in his cage which includes toys with bells, blocks, leather, and acrylic parts. He plays with them all.


Edison isn't necessarily a "one-person" bird. I am the only person who can handle him completely (ie: roll him around on the ground and give him whole body rubs). He lets others rub his head and sometimes will step up.


There are a few threads which show member cages, they're very helpful. My guy is in a 32Wx23D cage. It gives him plenty of room when he's in there.


Edison is 12, I've had him since he was a baby. His personality has stayed the same; however, as he continues to get older he continues to get more and more independant. When he was a baby he would cuddle on my time and slowly over the years it's morphed so now it's fully on his. If he doesn't want it, he'll let you know. Beyond a continued sense of self-suffiency, he's the same bird with the same personality quirks.


You may also want to check out this thread:


There's lots of good information in there for a potential grey owner. Especially one with a another bird to start.


Btw- You're Caique is adorable. He looks so cheery.<br><br>Post edited by: Sevi, at: 2008/07/11 18:44

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Hello and welcome! :)


My goodness you are thorough with your questions! :D


I suggest you get a few books (from the recommended reading list) and start there. However, I will supply my answers for your questions as best I can, but keep in mind these are my opinions. ;)


You should budget at least $200/month for a Grey to help cover the fresh foods, nuts, seeds, pellets, toy supplies that you will need. Plus set up a vet expenses fund of about $30/month - put it into a savings account that you don't have easy access to. This will be a cushion for when you need to use a vet's services (well-bird checkups, and emergencies).


Favourite foods change, depending on the bird and his dietary "cravings" but many birds really enjoy tropical fruits and fresh unroasted nuts like almonds, walnuts, etc. Just steer clear of peanuts. :)


Best toys: lots of wood chew toys and foot toys, braided palm leaf, paper braids, raffia, willow baskets, foraging puzzles, and large beads.



Calcium - almonds, dark green vegetables (kale, brocolli, spinach, etc.) are good vegetarian sources.

Vitamin D3 is needed to assimilate the calcium, so a good multi-vitamin (Nekton-S) containing D3 can be sprinkled on the fresh vegetables & fruit.

Vitamin A - red palm oil, yams, carrots, mango, papaya, squash - anything yellow or orange will contain vitamin A.


Major life events like getting married will cause stress to you and your little flock, and it's very difficult to predict or prevent this stress. Making the transition gradually would be helpful, but not always possible. You just have to do the best you can, just keep your birds' welfare in mind, whatever you do.


Greys do change throughout their lives, but the biggest changes happen in the first 2 to 3 years. If you always treat your bird with respect, love and understanding, you should be able to "roll with the punches" when they are going through their hormonal swings. If you have some serious difficulties, there are some excellent books out there (and on the Reading List) to help you understand what is going on in your bird's body and head. You will also have a lot of friends :) to help you.


To clip or not to clip: this is a volatile issue and I don't wish to debate it here. Suffice to say that my Grey is flighted and I intend to keep him that way. I'm doing this to give him the best exercise a bird can get. It's up to me to ensure that our home remains a safe place for a flighted bird. ;)


One person birds - all parrots can become one person birds, if we let them. Since you are single, this is likely to happen unless you have regular visitors that are willing to develop a relationship with your Grey.


Jealousy - this all depends on how you bring a second bird into a household that has one already. From my own experience, as long as you continue to pay the same amount of attention to your Caique, you should be able to succeed at adding another bird. Let the new bird "play second fiddle" and let your Caique know that he's still your #1 bird. This will go a long way in keeping both your birds happy.


Use the quarantine period (30 days in a separate room) to your advantage. This will give you a month to get to know your Grey without your Caique around. Quarantine is to keep your new bird away from your existing "flock" so there isn't any transfer of disease or other problems. You don't introduce them until your avian vet gives you the "all clear." :)


Since a Caique is so much smaller than a Grey, it is important that they are NOT out of their cages at the same time. It would be dangerous for your Caique if your Grey thought he had to defend himself.


Cage sizes: I have a Timneh Grey and his cage is 28" deep by 42" long and about 60" high. I think this would be adequate for a CAG, but if you can squeeze anything larger into your flat, your bird would enjoy the extra space for lots of toys, perches and food & water dishes.


Well, I hope this is some help, but it would be better to get a few books and spend some time reading up on Greys.

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Hi and i agree with M2MM with her insights. I cant say i spend that much on Zuri a month thats for sure. I save alot because i buy wood at home depot and make my own toys with bird safe products and save big $$ so if you get one its much cheaper. Zuri eats alot of what i do and he always wants me to share.


I have him clipped and I do lots of excercise with him he likes to hang upside down from my hand and flaps away and i put him on the ground and have him run to me across the apartment for a treat. I have yet to see him seem unhappy but it is a personal choice.


As for adding to the flock well def there is a possibilty. I have a alexandrine as well and zuri my Timneh is very curious of him but tiago the alex is scared to death of him. So i never have them close. Be sure to get a vet check before putting them in the same room as a quarantine though.


As one person goes ya i have to say they def are but i agree that you being single now it will take work later to include your future partner in his/her life.


They are def amazing birds and suprise you with how smart they are but they need time with you so dont get one if you cant devote an hour or two a day

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Sevi and M2MM have both given very informative replies in response to your questions.


I really do not have much to add. They do require at least 2 to 4 hours of "Out of Cage" time per day along with tons of your undivided attention during that time.


You may or may not be able to have both your Parrots out at the same time with out close supervision. Greys are a one species flock Parrot in the wild and do not welcome any other members of different species.


But, you never know with these Greys, some may actually warm up to another species. Sometimes they do not even so much friendship to another Grey.


At his point in your life, taking on another Parrot, especially as intelligent and choosy as Greys are. It might be better to wait until you find prince charming, get married and once all the honeymoon and getting settled in to a normal life happens, then discuss getting a Grey. :-)


One thing I know you don't want to happen is getting a Grey, meeting your new Husband and then having to find another home for your Grey. It would be heart breaking for you and the Grey.


Welcome to the forum and ask all the questions you wish. As you can see, we have many wise and experienced Grey owners here that are more than willing to assist you and answer your questions.


I admire all who do research and give careful thought before going out and buying a Grey or any other Parrot or critter. :-)

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Hello! I'm glad you are doing your research, Bravo!! ;) Here are some of my answers!


About how much money do you spend on your Grey monthly? I put 50/month into a "vet account" for him, as his avian vet is quite pricey. Every three months it is "food restock month" which runs me about $100.00, I feed Woody harrisons pellets, Zupreem fruit pellets and a seed mixture.


What are your greys favorite foods?

Woody would 'kill' for almonds, since he doesn't have that chance he will literally do anything for them. Also he likes apples, oatmeal, dry pasta that is in a swirly shape, and these seed ball treats.


What are the best kind of toys for your grey?

For woody in particular, he seems to know that I am a poor college student, and he just likes to shred my left over tv dinner boxes, what a wonderful combo we have going. Any pricey toy that I get/got him he just snubs it. He likes news paper and cardboard boxes most. He's not a big fan of ropes or swings/bells etc.


What do you do to help prevent health issues that greys are faced with like calcium deficiency and ect?

This is the reason woody has three different foods he gets everyday :D. I also give him a hard boiled egg once a month, with a bit, JUST A BIT of cheese. I have heard that there are mineral blocks for this sort of thing as well.


Im single and could get married one day who knows, but if i do how much stress would that put on a grey and how do you avoid that?

That, my friend, I believe is up to you. If you are suddenly out of the house all the time, and your grey is left alone then obviously that will be more stress than if you and your BF/hubby-to-be spent the time at your home with him. My boyfriend has recently moved in and Woody is doing fine with it. I took it very slow, and had Joey come over everyday and talk to him, then he would spend lots of time over, then he gave woody treats.... It is possible to make it a rather painless process, I just believe you would have to go about it the right way.


How is your greys behavior and attitude....and how does it change with their age? Woody is very much wanting to be Bruce Willis, he wants to be "big and bad" but the minute I offer to scratch his head, he is a marshmallow again. As far as age, I got him when he was 6, and fully matured. There are others here who can help you with that I'm sure.


Do you keep your grey full flighted or clipped?

Woody is partially flighted, meaning he can 'fly' from one room to another, but if he were out side, he wouldn't have the ability to fly away because it takes a lot of effort to fly. I keep him with this clip because I have a cat, and IF, IF, IF something were to happen, I would want him to be able to fly away from Achillies.


I know the answer to this one is most likely yes, but is your grey a one person bird?

Woody is, but he has only really ever been exposed to me and my Boyfriend on a regular basis, I don't have friends over much (I'm a bit of a gamer myself lol :P ), but Woody will only let me pet him and step up for me. Poor joey is the treat giver and nothing more! :laugh:


Hope this helped!!

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