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I would like to introduce my myself...Hello. This is a great site and have been reading alot here.


We had a Sun Conure for a year and he got out and flew away and miss him so much. I have RSD in my foot and can not walk with out my crutches or wheelchair. It was a freak accident when my crutches fell and he flew out a door. We enjoyed having a friends bird over for a few days amd we went to a few of the pet stores to look at some birds. I just needed to be by and see some birds.


We went to this went this one plece that is all birds. It is a pet bird store but of the 20 birds they have are to be re-homed or have been there for years and hate anyone but the owners of the store. But we all went went to see. My daughter went to go look at the cages and the toys. My husband tells me she is looking at some baby birds. She was so excited when she told me what they were I could barely understand her. But I did hear her say "they have the bird you always wanted." I look at her and say "you mean you are looking at a baby timmah gray?" "yep" the lady says. I ran over there and there in a box was a 4 week old grey looking up at me chirping and flaping and looking at me right in the eye. The lady tells me the bird is normally quiet. I ask if it is spoken for and she replied 'no." I ask the price and it is doable.


Of course, we leave to "talk" about it. We head over to the next pet store and OMG they are going out of business. There was the perfect cage for a grey on sale. I feel like it is fate but torn at the same time. I miss by Tiki so much but I wanted they grey. We decided to get cage and go back and put my deposit down on the bird.


We cant bring him home untill August which will be forever for me. He is about 10 weeks old now. I I really need some good things in my life right now and something to look forward to.


I hope and prey every day I get my Tiki back. I will not give up. But I need to share my love of birds with a bird. I am not sure that my heart is ready for another sun so soon.


We got the DNA sex yesterday and "Its a Boy" we have no name yet. My daughter wanted a girl and it still mad. I remind her sometimes you cant choose.


Thanks all. Sweet




We try to see him once or twice a week. We have not spent too much one on one time yet, just 5 visits about 20 mins each. This pet store is 45 miles away and with gas prices going 2xs a week is going to be about it.He is a big chirper. bird8.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/07/11 06:45


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Welcome! That's a beautiful baby you have there. ;) (love the photo - thanks for sharing)


Sorry to hear that your Sun conure escaped - I hope you get him back. I'm glad you haven't given up on him. You never know...... people have recovered a lost bird sometimes two years after they first disappeared!


I know what you mean about needing something good to happen in your life, we all need someone to share our love with and there's nothing so loveable as a new baby Timneh! (yes, I'm biased... :D)


The next month will be tough to wait through, but it will be worth it very soon. Your baby deserves to get the best start possible, so you might just as well set up his well-bird check-up appointment with your vet, just as soon as you know when he'll be coming home.


Congratulations on your new "son" :cheer:



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Welcome SweetFX !!!


I am so sorry to hear of your Sun getting out. Hopefully he will found by you or someone else and returned.


Your new baby TAG sounds wonderful and it does sound like destiny brought the two of you together. It is great that you are able to visit him and get to establish a relationship with him before bringing him home. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photo's of him also.

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Hello SweetFX and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new Tag.


He is adorable from the pic you shared with us and a lovely baby grey, I know you are going to enjoy this grey very much and he will bring a lot of joy into your life.


I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your sun conure, I also have a sun conure, was my first parrot, and I love her dearly and she brings a lot of happiness into my life, I couldn't imagine life without her, she is my constant companion.


Sometimes life deals us hardships that we don't understand but we make the best of it and go on but this new grey will bring a lot of joy to you, I feel you have a lot to offer him, your love is the best.


This grey chose you and I know you two are in for a lifetime of happiness, this was meant to be and I think you know that too.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information while you are waiting for him to come home and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. We will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing a pic of him with us, he is such a cutie and I know you can hardly wait for him to come home with his momma, congrats on becoming a greyt owner.:)

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Thank you all for the Welcome to the site. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. The new cage is all ready for him. And we have a 4ft tree stand coming in any day. And it will be placed close to me on the couch. He is very sweet and loves to just look at you when you hold him.


I hope he wont mind that I cant walk around with him. When he gets bigger he will have to be on my shoulder or in my lap. I lost my independence to the disease RSD that usually I have my husband do a lot for me but I pushed myself with Tiki (sun) and it got me moving. It was a big kissy and lovable sun. He went to everyone adn was always quiet..I was lucky to have him. I miss him everyday. My husband wants to get another Sun but I dont think I can.


I just cant wait...:)<br><br>Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/07/12 05:59

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