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New words, old words?


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Ozzy is 8 mos old and has been talking for several months. I have noticed that when he learns a new word or phrase he says it over and over and over. I know this is normal. What I am curious about is why he seems to use the old words and phrases he has learned less and less. Is this just because he is so fascinated by the new words? Will the old words become less and less interesting to him? Several times a day he will throw in a few of the old words and phrases, but not so much when he's on to something new. Just curious about his behavior. This is my first Grey, so I'm not sure about their learning behaviors.

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Yes, I think I do. I repeat them back to him. I even try to get him to say the ones he seems to have rejected in favor of his new ones, but a couple of them seem lost. This may be a silly question, but how else can I reward him for those old words? I thought just by conversing with him using the old words that was enough. Maybe it isn't. Suggestions?

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I think if you act really excited whenever he says the words this helps. Or you can reward him with a favorite treat or for instance, if he asks for an apple, give him a bite of apple. Maybe this would help reinforce some of the words he is saying.

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Some thing that Tyco has dropped I very grateful that she has when I first got Tyco she would constantly make the sound of the garbage truck backing up that awful beep beep almost drove me nuts she very rarely mimics anything anymore but she talks and talks and talks I don't mind that at all she's not one for repeating things over and over she will learn new thngs daily and then go through her whole vocabulry adding the new words to her old word and trying them out in different places to where she thinks they should go sometimes its very funny the stuff she comes up with. She will sing a song in the middle of a phrase and all sorts of stuff like that. They really are quite entertaining its very hard to get bored with a Grey around the house.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank goodness my macaw dropped a couple of cuss words learned from a previous owner. During Hurricane Katrina we had 25 persons here. A few of them heard her say it. Shame, shame, I didn't teach her that!

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