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weakness gray


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Hello, our gray parrot (she) has diarrhea and muscular weakness for a few moths. Blood testing was done by vet and it seems to be normal except calcium. It was little bit under normal level. So is it possible to parrot has hypocalcemy od vitimine D3 deficiency? Or it is possible to has any type of disease ? I will be glad for your answer.

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Greetings Martix,


I am sorry to hear that your grey is ill and/or weak. It is difficult to provide advice w/o more information. The findings from the vet do not sound conclusive and calcium just a bit under normal is not necessarily indicative of a problem.


What kind of diet is your grey on? what does he/she eat regularly? How do the droppings look? Has there been a weight change?


Perhaps other members can provide suggestions. You may need to have another vet visit, perhaps with a different vet for a 2nd opinion. Is the vet you went to an avian specialist?


I hope this improves.

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Any serious health issues/questions should be addressed back to your vet,we are not qualified in avian medicine to give out accurate diagnosis ,the vet has done blood work & found low calcium levels,if the levels was sufficiently low, did he prescribe any calcium supplements ? Has their been any improvement ? If you are at all concerned you need to make another vets appointment.


Here is a link for an article written by a very respected UK vet on hypocalcemia...



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Did you take your bird to a certified avian vet? I would do this. Loose stools could be due to her diet if she gets a lot of fruit perhaps, or it could be a bacterial infection or something else. The muscular weakness, I have no idea. Definitely need to consult an Avian vet about her problems. Best of luck to you and i hope you figure out what is wrong with her very soon.

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As Mark has asked about diet & rightly so , i have added some foods you could try on your grey which are all excellent sources for the absorbtion of calcium. Kale, turnip greens, collard greens,broccoli, spinach and all other dark green vegetables,almonds & as a treat a small cube of cheese every so often ;)

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