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joey keeps squawking


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i just got my first african grey 3 days ago (joey)

he is about 2 years old.

every time i go near him he squawks at me even sometimes when i walk past his cage,

i know i have to gain his trust and this is going to take a long time until this happens and i can do that.

just want to know if any one can help me so i can get him to stop squawking and settle him as i know he is nervous with a new cage , home and humans


many thanks carl

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A two-yr-old will take longer to settle since he has to "mourn" his previous home. Give him plenty of time and patience, and don't expect anything from him yet. Don't move too quickly around him and talk to him to a soft, gentle tone. Do your best to minimize his stress.


Where is his cage located? It should be away from a heavily used pathway in the house. Preferably not too close to a window and backing a wall or a corner.


Try sitting in a chair with your back to the cage and read aloud to him. (newspaper, books, magazines) Use a quiet, confident tone. After a few days, open the cage door and continue reading in the chair. Greys are intelligent and shy, but can be very curious. Eventually his curiosity will get the better of him, drawing him closer to you. Don't make any sudden movements, just watch him out of the corner of your eye. (Looking full on can scare a bird, they are prey animals after all, and we have the face of a predator.)


As a two-yr-old, your Grey has a past and may have some "baggage" that you aren't aware of. Be very patient, especially if he overreacts to something you do that shouldn't frighten him normally.


What do you know about his previous owners?

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remedy wrote:

i know i have to gain his trust and this is going to take a long time until this happens and i can do that.


You answered your own question, Carl, it will take lots of time and patience to gain his trust so please don't try to rush it. He has a new home, new cage and a new flock so he feels insecure for now but keep talking to him and ignore the squawking for now, in time he will lighten up.

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thank you for your advise i will treat him with care and respect he seems to be quieting down each day already and is making a few new quiet noises and whistles wich is good in just 4 days. also he is taking treats from my hand but throwing them straight on the floor but i will keep the same routine up with him for a few weeks he is in our living room but there are only 2 of us that live there and it is not to busy

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Welcome Carl!!


The others have given excellent advice and it seems you are taking the corresponding correct actions along with patience.


It seems you are already seeing his personality come out. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Dorian will take a treat from my hand, or out of his dish, and toss it when he feels wronged or annoyed. I've caught him trying to get to that same treat a few minutes later. Just part of his charming personality!:laugh:


Joey actually sounds like he's settling in pretty well. One word of warning. If you don't like a sound he's making, do not react to it at all. Talking back, reassuring, saying 'no', covering your ears. . . Any reaction, even if you think it's a negative one, may be entertaining to him, and you could end up reinforcing a behaviour you want to extinguish. Same rule applies to parrots as to children, that even negative attention is better than none! Congrats on your new flock member:)

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