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Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

hello hello hello!


remmeber me?


well i think i finally sorted my internet problems.. i am no longer blacklisted by all the companies and have now have a reliable connection!


so HELLOOOO! i missed you all! how are you, feel free to PM me with news because theres no way in a million years i can get through everything i've missed.


i know this isn't really of any importance and i'm stealing space in the main room, but i just wanted you all to know, i am well and brian is fantasic! he's nearly 1 and a half now (time flies) a wonderful, well rounded little guy and is chatting away. i couldn't have hoped for more.


i'm gonna get to reading now. like i said.. PM away, i look forward to hearing from you


beccy and brian xxx

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Welcome back Beccy and Brian, we have missed you terribily, seems like you have been gone for forever, hope this means you are back to stay.


A lot has happened here, we have had to take up the slack while you were gone but but you were missed by all. We have added lots of new members and probably a couple of new rooms since you were last here but we will get you caught up on what you missed.


So glad to hear that Brian is doing good and talking up a storm, he is at that age when he is adding to his vocabulary big time.:)

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