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Jenna is TALKING!


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Well, sort of . . . She says "What are you DOING?" Which she generally shortens to "Wha' Doin'?"


I generally answer her by telling her what I am doing (I'm cooking, I'm making your breakfast, I'm talking to you), then ask her "What are YOU doing?" So now she says "Wha' Doin'? What are YOU doing?" She's got several other phrases she appears to be muttering under her breath, I can't wait to find out what they will be :laugh: Funny little girl!

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My hubby sometimes carries on a conversation with Josey, he will say something to her and she will answer him, he gets a kick out of that but otherwise he doesn't much care about her. She's also good at saying shutup to the sun conure when she screams, sometimes she will scream just like the conure does and then tells herself to shutup, now I get a kick out of that.:laugh:

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Congratulations on having a chatty Grey! :) It's lots of fun isn't it?


Our Kumiko talks as well, when the mood strikes him. I really encourage him to use his words instead of screaming or beeping loudly.


My hubby is rather "funny" about Kumiko. He is happy that we have him, but he only pays attention to him for a few minutes and then finds other things to do. That's probably why Kumiko would rather bite him, or use him strictly for getting out of his cage (then flies off to find me.) LOL :laugh: Birds can certainly tell when you are interested in them or not.

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