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CoCo making progress


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Well CoCo has been with us now for 10 days now. It has been fun. He talks all the time now. I have gotten him to eat a few different vegetables and he loves grapes.

He has been afraid of any hands around his cage but has gotten better with the feeding and the cleaning of the cage. He is doing better with his daily mistings. I have been giving him 2 a day because his feathers were such a mess. They are improving alot his tail feathers are now smooth and fuller and his chest feathers are starting to smooth out too.

We had a breakthrough this morning and he let me scratch his head sveral different times. While I was doing that he would gently chew and rub his tongue on my other fingers. I really hated to leave him to go to work LOL.

Will continue to keep you updated on his progress.

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Awww... that's so sweet that you were able to give scratches :)

Keep up the great work - if this is the progress you've made in only 10 days, its sure that you will have a very happy and healthy relationship with your CoCo for the rest of the time you spend together.


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Great News!!!!


I can now put my hand in the cage and scratch CoCo's head!


He also puts his foot on my finger but still won't quite step up all the way. I am so excited about our progress.


Thanks fro all the encouraging posts



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