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Seem Like It Isn't Enough

Guest smokey

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Guest smokey

Smokey my grey has an abundance of toys, he's out alot, and is tended to by several house members in terms of needs and wants. Talked to, handled, trained only occasionally, eats well. But it just seem like everything isn't enough, seems like he could be happier, when out on his play gym he SCREAMS at a very loudly and is persistent with makeing ear piecing noises. Do you think that spoiling him has made him, lets say, some what unappreciative of the time money and labor put into trying to make him happy and content with his life? because it sure seem like it?

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1--does he go on the stand by himself or does he get put on and taken off the stand?

2---does he scream at toys on the stand when playing with them or does he just scream at nothing?

3---is the stand next to his cage or other play area?

4---does he seem to ignore the stand most of the time?

5---does he try to fly off the stand after a short period of time?

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IMHO, animals, like kids, can't appreciate the time and money we spend on them. They are COWs (Centre Of the World), and everything is about them. :P


Does he only scream when on his play gym, or does he scream in other locations too? How are you reacting to his screaming? The more attention he gets for screaming, the more he will scream. Do you reward him for making noises that you like? You'd be surprised at how quick they learn, when they are bribed. ;)


Parrots are noisy creatures, and you have to accept some of the noise as natural exuberance. If the screaming is excessive (as in your case), then some training is definitely called for. Teaching whistles and songs will give him a larger repertoire to draw on, and one that won't drive you as crazy.


Training sessions should be daily, but don't have to take a lot of time, and don't have to be scheduled. Impromptu sessions, when you are both in the mood, are best. He will learn faster when he's interested and you're enthusiastic. Keep it short, and fun AND rewarding for Smokey. You want him to enjoy this. Have everyone in the household participate on a rotating basis to keep your Grey on good terms with everyone.


Good luck! :)

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Guest smokey

well he does stay on the hish gym the majority of the time but has several round about trios to a planting pot in the living room, a t-stand in the bathroom and another stand on the cats play gym. he screams at his toys alot but will scream at nothing as well, also his gym is on top of his cage if that matters. He stays for long periods of time and will fly if he feels like he wants to be in some kinda action (but doesn't very often). He usuaully only screams on top of his cage on his play gym with or without toys.

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From what you say, it seems like random vocalisation. He;ll scream at the toys. He probably does this too when he's play fighting with them. Absolutely normal. You say he can fly around when he feels like it and climb on the top of the cage and then screams. Unusual but try to put different toys up there, especially a cowbell. He'll play with it, scream at it but eventually slows down cause of the energy he spent. THEN, he'll start all over with the bell at another time. If he goes on top of the cage with the intention of going after something, then does go after something, he might be feeling that he's accomplished something and the constant screaming might lessen. Understand that it's hard to really know what your version of the screaming really is. Other people might find that when their bird does this, it seems normal to them. Understand that this isn't meant as an insult. I definitely feel that I know what type of screaming you're talking about though and is can be annoying and ear splitting. As a matter of fact, to some people it might even be scary. Greys scream periodically and eventually and temporarily stop. You say he goes to other places and everything is fine. Little screaming. My greys periodically do the same thing BUT try to imagine 3 of them doing the same thing:ohmy: One other thing you never mentioned is whether he instantly does this on the stand and never stops until he leaves the stand. Some greys do that and some don't. It has to do with personality and most of the time, a person just has to live with it. Some people might say to remove that part of the cage but I wouldn't agree with that. He obviously loves that area cause I get the feeling that he's the one that makes up his own mind about going there. Putting that bell up there will still make him scream but it might also break up the amount of screaming.

""""Do you think that spoiling him has made him, lets say, some what unappreciative of the time money and labor put into trying to make him happy and content with his life? because it sure seem like it? """"


That's the last thing you should feel. He sounds very contented and probably feels that he has the run of his area. If you think that way, you're only beating yourself up for absolutely no reason. It definitely doesn't sound like a medical problem. Think about it for a minute----


" Doctor, my bird has a problem. He likes to go on the top of his cage and when he comes down he stops. Doctor, do you think my baby is crazy? Doctor, please do some physological tests cause I know he's happy. Doctor, do you think he's got a split personality? Doctor, do you know if there's any rooms available at the Mental Institution for Birds????


So, how's the doctor gonna handle that?:whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/07/08 19:17

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Guest smokey

HaHaHa thanks for the advice and time you've takin out its all begining to make more sense now. I appreciate it.

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