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New cage problems


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Watson, our CAG and much-favored child, had the same cage almost since birth. It was looking pretty ratty, so I ordered a new one, which came on Thursday. He watched my husband assemble it, saying "Cool," every now and then. The new cage is larger and has a playtop.


"Cool." Hah!


He absolutely refused to go in or on it. After about three hours of coaxing, my husband tricked him into going inside, and he locked the door so we could remove the old cage. Out the door it went!


We opened his door and continued trying to get him to accept his new house. We even put his favorite treats into a couple of the new bowls, and attached his old bowls so the interior would seem more familiar. Of course, we also included his old toys.


It was a fight to get him inside to go to bed, but we finally managed. On Friday, we uncovered him and opened his door. He went to the top of the cage, got on the perch and stood there, looking terrified. We coaxed and tried to soothe him, but it just didn't work. Finally, we left him there in his room and closed the door.


We went back an hour or so later and he had moved to another spot, but it was obvious that he was unhappy. Getting him to go to bed Friday night was not quite as traumatic, but not easy, either.


Today, he's still being fussy, not eating very much, and continuing to act skittish. Bedtime tonight was a little better.


Any suggestions from anyone? I'd really appreciate some advice.


(Sorry for such a long post!)

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Aww, poor Watson! Do you still have the old cage? If you do, bring it back in and let him settle back down in it. Keep the new cage right next to Watson's cage and allow him to look at it for a few days to get used to it. After a while, he should warm up to it and want to explore a bit. Take things very slowly with these guys, they are fearful of change and new things.


If you don't have the old cage anymore, just give Watson some time. He may be a little stressed over the ordeal, but he should come around after a while.


Keep us posted!!

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Ahhh... Watson {Love-0002011D}


Good luck Sticks_n_stones, there's nothing I would know of to add to DaffyToon's advice and I'm also sure it will turn out OK in the end - just patience - he must have been so completely confused :P<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2007/03/04 20:41

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Thanks to both of you for your help. Watson is doing a little better today. He discovered that he can climb down to the floor and get into the dogs' dishes!


Still not eating very well, but when I offer some of his favorite food in my hand, he's not interested, so he must not be very hungry. I guess we all lose our appetites sometimes.


Unfortunately, I can't retrieve his cage -- it's long gone. (That didn't take long. Usually things sit at the curb for several days before they're picked up!) I guess he's just going to have to go cold turkey on this one.


You're both probably right -- this is a problem that time is going to have to take care of. We've never been able to get him to go on his T-stand either, even after having it near his house for three years. We finally gave up. I know grays are very hesitant about change, but he takes it to the max!


He's singing a song right now, making the sound of clapping hands, and telling me "That's very good," so at least he hasn't stopped trying to communicate.

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He sounds very strongwilled :P


but doesn't seem to have a choice right now :)


He'll be fine....


(how do the dogs react with him being able to reach their dishes?)

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We have two dogs -- a Bichon and a "pound puppy" about the size of a collie. Watson bosses them around unmercifully, and I think he intimidates them. They get along, well, though. They saw him drinking from their water bowl and they just stayed back until he was finished. Watson loves to yell at Max, the Bichon. He tells Max to "Get out of here!" When he sees Annie (the pound puppy), he says "Good, good." Sometimes he'll say "Good girl." He tries to give her a kiss on the nose (I'm terrified that he'll bite her).


Guess we're really lucky they all get along so well.

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That sounds real sweet, Sticks_n_stones :) You sure are lucky although I suspect that good 'education' also has a lot to do with it ;)

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It's been almost a week and a half since Watson got his new house and I thought I'd update you.


He seems to enjoy it now, although you might remember that it was touch and go for the first couple of days. At first he just refused to have anything to do with this strange new thing. He came to accept it very, very slowly. I'm convinced that if we'd just put it next to his old cage he would have totally rejected it, just like he did with his T-stand. He's still reluctant to go inside at night, but he does.


My advice to other grey owners: get a cage that will last a lifetime, because changing it is not an easy thing! :lol:

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Thanks for the update, Sticks :)


It's good to hear that it worked out OK finally.


Your advice should appear on a front page, cause it seems valuable ;)

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