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Older greys


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Hi there,


I joined a while ago, and have been reading lots of useful information on this forum ever since. I have a question that I can't seem to find an answer for. I'm sorry if this isnt the right place to put it.


I have seen in various threads about the merits of adopting an older grey rather than a baby and I think this makes sense. I think I could be patient and wait for a grey to come round to tolerating me.


So to my question. When I go meet these greys what should I be looking for and is it possible to tell whether they are the nervous type or the playful type? Or should I just go by what the previous owner tells me?



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Hi shirley,

It really depends on the individual bird & the reasons as to why the grey is being rehomed.If you re-home through a rescue you will find that these greys will probably have more baggage/problems than if you was to purchase one through an advert.I suggest you go visit where possible & observe the bird,of course some may be weary of you as a stranger but you will be able to get a general feel for the birds disposition.Ask many questions of the owner, why is the bird being re-homed ? diet ? any health issues ? likes & dislikes ? How many previous owners ? can the bird be handled ? see how the owner interacts with the bird ? etc..


Many members have re-homed older birds & hopefully they will be along to share their advice.

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I adopted Zazu this year, and he is 13 years old (feel free to read my blogs about adopting him).


When adopting a resue bird, I would recommend to take your time and let HIM pick you. Interact with him, play with him, see how he reacts. Talk to the current owner, but also look for answers from the bird. If he shys away for some reason when you ask him to step up, that could be a red flag. Regardless, it will take time with a rescue african grey. I know Zazu is JUST really starting to warm up, as he was probably waiting to be transferred to the next place. But we are really bonding now!


Either way, good luck and I really hope you find your right bird!!

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Tyco was a rescue also I'm her 4th owner and she is only 5 yrs old. She to is starting to come around verynicley and is starting to bond with me. I'm not in any rush Igive her the options she still won't step up on to myarm or hand when she is on her cage but she will anyother time no problem when she on her cage I usr a perch to step her up and she will do that when ever I ask so she pretty good she gives me kisses everynight before bed and when she wakes up in the morning. and sometimes at bedtime she will even let me give her head a little scritch. its only been 9 months since I've had her so to me she doing great concidering what her life used to be like. I tell her I love her everyday and I also tell her shes not going anywhere any more she is home to stay. I don't know if she understands but I tell her anyway. There are allot of birds out there that have had lots of love their whole lives and they have to be rehomed for some reason those birds would make wonderful pets and you won't have to wait forever for them to learn to trust again because they have no reason not to trust people. Its up to you what you want in a bird. I find it very rewarding to turn a nervous unhappy bird into a confident very happy bird that can finally trust again without fear of being rehomed again. I've rescued 3 birds now from terible situations and you would never know that Fergie and Luna ever had a problem Fergie(Amazon hybrid 11yrs old) is the most lovey bird she can't get enough cuddling she also will let just about any woman handle her now she hates men though and she will bite them and swear at them she was abused by one when she was young and won't put up with them being around her. Luna(Fiery Shouldered Conure 10yrs old) is just you basic happy content dancing singing bird she loves to preen every part of your face she very sweet.



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I adopted a surrendered parrotlet through our local parrot rescue. His first home had to give him up due to ill health, and he was placed with a foster family. I didn't get to meet him prior to adopting him, as the coordinator wanted to bring him with her when she came to inspect our home. She was very happy with what she saw and decided to leave him with us, even though he was very shy with me initially.


Sunny was (and still is) hand shy, but even so, he's my little velcro baby. I can't pet him with my hands (his foster home had several grabby kids who couldn't leave him alone), but I can get him to step up from his cage and from the floor, just not from anywhere else, yet. He loves to hang out on my shoulder, and would stay there all day if he didn't get hungry and thirsty.


Our other two babies were purchase directly from their breeders, so Sunny is my only "rescue" experience.


If I were to adopt a larger parrot, I would insist that I get to meet with the parrot and let him decide if I was suitable to his taste. :P


Several years ago, when I was initially just thinking about getting a Grey, I visited a pet shop in my community that had a few parrots, including a CAG. I just wanted to see what they were like and get a "feel" for what they were like. While there, an Indian Ringneck saw me and WANTED to go home with me. One of the store's staff told me he didn't show any interest in anyone else before including their staff. But, because I don't believe in impulse buying, I didn't take him home. I'm still not sure that was the right thing to do, and sometimes wonder about him and hope that he found a good home. :(

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