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Zahzu stopped plucking!


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Hey guys!

How are you all?

Zahzu is doing great - since her last vet visit during which all the damaged feathers were removed - she has started talking, manipulating and being a downright brat again!! I'm so happy!

Best of all - the feather plucking has completely stopped. I'm amazed! Today I had to go out for most of the day - and not a single feather was to be found in the bottom of her cage. I'm continuing to keep her busy, give her lots of interesting looking food and treats and generally watching out for any 'plucky' behaviour.

It's amazing - my husband and I think that she must have been in a lot of pain and discomfort due to uncomfortable feathers on the left side of her body - thats why she was trying to 'fix' the problem herself.

The change is amazing - she's talking SOOO much..she's back to her lovable, adorable self. I'm so relieved!

Her favourite toy is macaroni- i'm threading it onto cotton twine, and she chews it up into smithereens!

Anyway, thought I'd share the good news with you all.... I just hope it continues this way and she doesn't revert back to plucking.... oh, and she didn't get any sedative/antidepressant medication - the vet said that would only be necessary if she is still plucking after a month or so.



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That is WONDERFUL news! I am sure you must be delighted :) The change is probably due in part to getting those feathers removed, but I'll bet a large part of it is due to your persistence in giving her things to amuse herself with and play with. You are an inspiration to other parronts!


I am sending you some karma;) Well done!

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Congratulations Sameera (and Zahzu, I'm sure she's thrilled as well)!


That is really good to hear. With all of your persistence and help and a new good vet Zahzu now has it made. Congrats again!

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