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You share your meal with your Grey?


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I have heard many people say that "My grey eats of my dinner plate" or "My grey eats my left overs" etc. etc.


I was just curious about this, because it seems to conflict with the fact that human saliva has bacteria that can kill you grey...how do you get away with sharing then? One half of the plate is yours and one half is mine maybe? :P


Just wondering :laugh: ,



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Josey eats off a portion of food on my plate that I haven't touched with my fork, I usually push a little of the food I want her to eat to the edge and she gets it there. Sometimes instead of her eating off my plate directly, especially if I have something she can't have, I will put her portion in a bowl on her playstand and she eats it there.


There is a lot of stuff they can have that we eat, just take a look around the bird food room for ideas and suggestions and also for the foods they are not allowed to have. But Josey loves any kind of rice or pasta as do most.

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I let Dayo eat off my plate also. I just keep a small portion of it off to the side and he eats. It not 1/2 though as you describe. More 1/20th. I like my food and I am going to eat the majority of it. ;-) Plus, you don't want them to "pig out" on something that is not really that healthy for them. Unless your a vegetarian. :-) of which I certainly am not.

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I let Edison eat off my plate too, but like the others I make an effort not to let him eat things my mouth/fork have touched.


Depending on what the meal was, Edison's supper will often consist of the same ingredients we eat. He likes to eat whenever we're eating, so his suppertime coincides with ours whether he's getting leftovers or not.


I think they feel special if you let them eat off your plate. You just need to be careful.:)

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I was told to always give them their own dish, so they can't get any of my germs. However, Kumiko is never really interested in my food once he's been offered some. There must be some ingrained need to steal what isn't theirs. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: M2MM, at: 2008/07/07 23:41

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I just show Klaus what's on my plate; make sure he sees that what is going into his bowl is the same stuff that I have. He does snag things from me, though - I'd say it's impossible to maintain complete control! LOL As long as it's in moderation (and certainly not chocolate or avacado) all should be fine.

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It's my understanding that eating together is an important flock behavior, so I have always let Bella eat from my plate. She gets her food on the edge of my plate. That food has no salt on it, or anything else that's not good for her. She does seem to have a preference for meat though!

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Hmm, alright! Tonight I had some steamed veggies and ravioli, and (of course!) woody was practically hanging off the edge of his cage to see what I had that was so good, so I put him on his table perch and gave him some veggies and a little, TINY bit of sauce over it...and viola! He ate it out of the little bowl on his perch!

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That's great!


Bella and I have another thing going on that's actually turned out quite well for me :laugh: I love fresh cherries, but you know that whole thing with the pits is so bothersome. Bella and I were eating our cherries one day and I noticed all she does is break off the stem, make a slit down the cherry and pops out the pit and discards the rest most of the time. Sometimes she'll actually suck the juice out of the cherry. But for the most part, she's only interested in getting the pits out of the cherries. So we've got a whole new thing going on - she takes breaks the stem off and takes out the pit and I get to eat the cherry! This is a fabulous arrangement :woohoo: !

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Well thats one way to get fed by your grey, she isn't spoiling you too much now is she:laugh:


I have found Josey would rather suck up the juice from cantaloupe and watermelon than eat the flesh from it, so when I am enjoying some I take a spoon and get some of the juice in it and she laps it right up.:P B)

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I will often try to give Jenna her own dish with the SAME food on it that I have, but she is not interested in that, she wants the food on MY plate. She generally gets some of it, too ~grins~ She IS the boss of me! Hehehehe

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My birds love cherrys and blue berrys If Tyco had her way she would eat nothing buut cherrys she only gets 2 a day I don''t think she going to be very happy when cherry season is over lol I hate takeing out the pits it makes such a mess when you have 5 birds at 2 cherry's each my hands are purple and so is the plate I do them on I need a cherry pitter lol my birds love to eat off the side of my plate but with five birds I wouldn't get much food so I usually fill my plate and give them theirs in their dish off my plate and then fill it up again for myself. Pat

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judygram wrote:

Well thats one way to get fed by your grey, she isn't spoiling you too much now is she:laugh:


I have found Josey would rather suck up the juice from cantaloupe and watermelon than eat the flesh from it, so when I am enjoying some I take a spoon and get some of the juice in it and she laps it right up.:P B)


:laugh: Judy! Yep - that one time I get a little spoiling, but most of the time "Her Majesty" has first dibs on everything. If I make myself a nice cold glass of juice she freaks out on her perch until she gets to drink first. Sometimes I think she's done and I go to try and take a sip, she actually pinches me on the cheek to let me know she's not done!

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Out of curiosity....


I hear about not sharing food because of bacteria but I was wondering what bacteria is of concern?


I am a microbiologist and I can't for the life of me figure out which bacteria would be of concern because birds and people already share bacteria normal to the mouth. :huh:

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Guest briansmum

well i'm not a scientist, so i dont have a clue. but i know of several instances of birds getting bacterial infections from humans via mouth to mouth contact. so it is something i have deffinately avoided.


brian tends not to be interested in my dinner once he see's what it is, occasionally he'll have a bite of something from a clean fork i always have handy, he just loves his fruits a veggies from his own dish. although he's a sucker for a cookie! (no chocolate and only a bite at a time of course)


i too would be interested to know exactly what bacteria we have thats not good for them, and why? come on all you smarty pants? ;)

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Zpyder wrote:

Out of curiosity....


I hear about not sharing food because of bacteria but I was wondering what bacteria is of concern?


I am a microbiologist and I can't for the life of me figure out which bacteria would be of concern because birds and people already share bacteria normal to the mouth. :huh:


That's a great question Zpyder - if you get additional information on that - please do share!! Karma to you!

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  • 3 months later...

I've given Cosmo just about everything I eat, some stuff he likes, some he doesn't. His favorite "people" food is pasta shells and chopped broccoli with marinara. I only feed him this favorite maybe once a week. His normal diet is Harrison's high potency course parrot food, and the treat he enjoys is Spicy Santa Fe mix. I've read that even though parrots can eat most anything we eat, it should be in moderation. (no avocados or chocolate, of course) When I make his Italian favorite, I put his in a separate bowl (because he's a sloppy eater) and yes, Cosmo has his own "people" food bowl with his name on it and we'll usually dine together. When he's finished and I try to take his bowl away from him, he'll raise his feathers and go into attack mode.:cheer: He's not a biter, so it's kind of funny it's the only time he gets aggressive.


Post edited by: Journeyman, at: 2008/11/02 13:54<br><br>Post edited by: Journeyman, at: 2008/11/02 16:23

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I loved reading your stories about the cherries. Here's Maxi's method: the very first time I gave her a cherry, she grabbed it like it she had been waiting her whole life to get it, and immediately dug out the pit and spit it out of the cage!:laugh:


She's done that with every cherry since, too. Like she and Bella wrote the book on "the pit must goooooooooo...."

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since im new to parrot ownership ive only recently started letting vince have a taste of my meals. so far so good. as he wonders over i have a small amount ready, i 'point' this portion at him, lol! pasta has been his favourite so far by a mile.


years ago i also had a budgie that would eat from a plate and he was fine with lots of different foods. im sure vince will be the same.


thanks everyone for your ideas, im off to get some cherries!

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Mika eats at the table every night, he has his own plate, bowl and spoon if needed. He just sits on his placemat and is a perfect little gentleman - his manners at times do come into question - but this is part of our family time:laugh:


Carolyn & Mika

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Lol, thats funny Carolyn.

I cant have three sat at the table (there would be no room for us!)

I normally share my lunch with the middle grey Keeko, he is the cheeky one!

He will just fly over and make himself at home! Its a bit of a nightmare when I am trying to eat something they are not allowed! I have to do this when they are away in their cages.

And yes, all of mine love pasta! Its a favourite in our house!



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