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Smoke inhalation


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Does anybody know anything about smoke inhalation in greys?


This morning I put a couple of sods of turf on my solid fuel stove and went to drop my kids to music camp. When I came home the house was full of smoke including the room the greys are in. I could hardly see them across the room. The chimney had blocked at the base probably due to some horrendous rain storms we have been having. I opened all the windows and the doors immediatly before I even looked at the fire.


I was gone about an hour and a half and I don't know how long they were sitting in the smoke. My question is what should I do now? An avian vet is out of the question as there isnt one within 150 miles of here. And even then it is impossible to get an appointment with her as she is the only one in the Republic of Ireland.


At the moment they both seem fine, Liath is ripping up a magasine, and Oisin is blowing kisses and chewing on his plastic spools.

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Well, the good thing is you took immediate action and opened the house up to air out all that smoke.


There is really nothing you can do in regards the smoke they inhaled. The good news is they did not succumb to lack of oxygen or any bad chemicals released when home furnishings burn. Those are the items that mean almost instant death to Parrots.


Thank God you got home before the oxygen level was too low!!

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You're telling me! The house could've gone up in flames, before I even looked to see where the smoke was coming from I was opening windows! I can replace the house, but I can't replace my babies.


I rang a local vet who has an interest in birds (he isnt an avian vet). He told me that they would be stretching out their necks gasping for air if they had any damage. Or coughing and spluttering. He said its looks as if I have got away with it, but if they don't eat or their breathing deteriorates to go down to him immediately. He doesnt want to see them otherwise because he feels they have been stressed enough today.


Liath just started coughing, which gave me a fright till I remembered my son had a cold last week:P And she did follow it up with "Poor Liath, do you need a doctor?":laugh:

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siobha9 wrote:

Liath just started coughing, which gave me a fright till I remembered my son had a cold last week:P And she did follow it up with "Poor Liath, do you need a doctor?":laugh:


LOL - It sounds like Liath is certainly back to normal already. Thats GreYt to hear!! :-)

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Siobhan, Im so glad everything seems okay. Try not to worry to much as it sounds like they are both fine. Im glad Tracy was online this morning as usual to sort things out. Keep us posted and be sure to let us know they are both doing ok!:)

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I'm so happy to hear that they are okay! IT would have been so tragic to lose both your beautiful babies at once due to something like this. I hope you have your chimney checked out before you try to burn something in it again. Whew!!! I guess close calls like this are a good reminder of what we are blessed with in our lives.

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It wasnt actually the chimney. Thats whats so infuriating about it:blink: . The range cooker and the chimney had been completely cleaned about 2 months ago. The rain we had been having was exceptionally bad for this time of year, and the soot was mixing with the rain and making a kind of tar. It was all in the cooker at the chimney opening. I literally lifted it out with a tongs in one piece! I need to get a better chimney cowl fitted to stop the rain coming in.


The little rascals are fine! Up to their usual antics, and in grand form. The only problem is they smell like they have taken up smoking! I shall have to shower the pair of them this evening.


And yes I definitely got a short sharp reminder of how blessed I am to have the two of them. When I walked into that room this morning, and I couldnt see them for the smoke and they were so quiet I was sure they were dead. :(

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