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Its all Irie !

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Hi! Im so glad to have found this site. I need soooo much information right now. Im the proud "mom" of Irie. Irie is a had fed 2 yr. old Congo A.G. He is a sweetie ! I love him with all my heart. Now ~ here is what I need information on. This morning I "adopted" A BABY Senegal . I will be hand feeding this new baby for about 3 weeks or so. How do I love and care for the new baby without making Irie jealous ? Do these two types of parrots get along well ? Thanks for any info. you can give me !

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New additions should be kept in quarantine for a minimum of 30 days before being introduced to your existing bird(s). Following this protocol will give you ample time to hand feed and get acquainted with your baby Senegal before Irie ever meets him/her.


After quarantine, introduce them very slowly, and try not to handle the Senegal too much in sight of your Grey. Greys can be quite possessive about their companions and may very well see the new bird as an interloper. So use some discretion, and caution initially. Always make a big fuss over your Grey, letting him know that he is still your #1 birdy! ;)


Will they be sharing a room eventually? (bird room) If so, keep their cages on opposite walls and never let them both out at the same time. When one is out and one is in, you still need to supervise them.


My Grey HATES one of my parrotlets (who was added to the flock AFTER the Grey's arrival) and will fly over to his cage and try to get him right through the bars. If I didn't intervene every time, I'm sure he would kill or at least maim him. My Grey doesn't bother the parrotlet that was here first, he knows which one is which (they are different colours and very different personalities.)


Greys, generally, prefer their own kind, but will sometimes tolerate other African parrots. They really don't enjoy the company of any "new world" parrots (Amazons, Macaws, etc.) Keep in mind the size difference. If your Grey takes a disliking for your Senegal, he won't have to do much to seriously injure the smaller bird. So it's up to you to prevent them from getting the opportunity to get close to one another.


I hope this is helpful. :)

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Welcome Irie!!!


M2MM has given good advice. Karma to her :-)


As she stated, quarantine is a must. One thing to keep in mind regarding your Grey. He is #1 and nothing should change in the amount of time and quality of it, that you spend with him. He will most likely be jealous of any time spent with the new Senegal, but he will get over it. Just keep it fair. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hello Irie and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Irie.


M2MM and Dan have given you some excellent advice on quarantine and introducing new members to the flock. I would suggest that since Irie was there first to be sure to do for him first, he is top bird in your flock and that will ensure he knows his place is secure.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Irie you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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{Nature-00020095}hi there irie and welcome here unfortunatly i cannot advise you but you have heard from dan and mm2m so you cant go wrong dan especially has given me some fantastic advice in my short time here

look forward to hearing how things plan out for youand your babies

tonja & harley

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Welcome Irie,

I can honestly say you have come to the right place! The Forums are the best tool I have had since bringing my first parrot in to my home in early May this year. I would like to mention that post placement will help you a great deal and a general search for the topics you are looking for will give you a wealth of information. Don't feel that if your question is not answered right away that you have been ignored. I can say that alot of the time the wonderful people here will do some of the research and read back in previous post to better guide you to the answers you need. Post your expierences and enjoy the company. Glad to see you here.



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