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We just got an African Grey from my fiance's grandmother. She can't take care of her anymore. Winslow (discovered to be female a few years ago) is about 20 years old, but now has to learn a new way of life. She lived in a home constantly filled with cigarette smoke, a very dirty cage, and no attention. :( I thought she would be really scared of a change, even if it is a good one. But she's only been here a few weeks and already looks so happy with us!:cheer: We can keep working on minor things, but I am so glad that she appriciates attention and a bigger, clean cage.

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Hello Smart Dancer and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Winslow or are you calling her Melanie now?


This is so nice of you to take in this grey especially from the conditions you describe, I would imagine she was loved but the grandmother's age prevented her from doing more than what was just necessary for her to survive.


She should thrive in your home with the proper care and love and attention and it sounds like you are providing that for her. That is a shame she had to endure such conditions and who knows maybe she is grateful for the change.


I am sure there will be some problems but with lots of time and patience you can work thru them and of course you have all us to support you in your endeavor.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask us any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures you would like to share with us we would love to see her.:)

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I have a friend that took in a 22 year old CAG (3 years ago now) and he'd never seen a toy before and was never allowed out of his cage before. He was understandably frightened by such a radical change in his routine. But now, you would never even know it was same bird. He talks, plays, and is such a happy boy!


Thank you for rescuing this lovely girl from such an unhealthy environment. Have you given her a spray bottle bath yet? I'll bet she'd love one. :P

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Welcome smartDancer and Winslow!!!


That was a nice introduction. It sounds like Winslow is welcoming the attention, good environment and companionship being longed for, for a long time.


Looking forward to hearing more about Winslow's progress and antics...... Oh yes, you can expect more out of him than you have ever seen, due to his new found freedom. :-)

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