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Hi everyone! My name is Kitty and this is my baby boy Griffin.



I have been a member of this forum for some time but I am reintroducing myself cause I haven't been around for a LONG time!


I have been a parront to Griffin for 5 months now and he is such a sweet baby. He spends MOST of his life living on his tree (partly shown in the picture. made out of bird safe wood cemented into a spare recycling bin) He does have a very large cage (3 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and 3 1/2 feet tall) but he only really sleeps in it and sometimes stays in it if he is being bad). Griffin is currently 10 months old and going through his teen years but so far we haven't had to many problems with him. He screams occasionally but anyway, I'm rambling.


We have Griffin INCREDIBLY socialized. Yesterday for the 4th of July there was a big gathering type thing going on in the park (booths to buy things, face painting and inflatables for the kids, a car show and so on) I took Griffin (on his aviator harness) out to the park and we spent 3 hours walking around letting him take pictures sitting on all the kids shoulders. He LOVES kids! He will go to anyone and has never bitten anyone (didn't even bite the 2 year old who pulled on his tail). He goes out for socializing once a week either to a park or downtown and he is held, petting, and talked to by anyone interested in doing so. We work VERY hard to keep him this friendly with everyone.


Last week he had bout of tree territoralizim but everyone in the house just ignored the nips and forced him to step up and he is over it now. He just has his days sometimes!


My dream bird would be to eventually own a gray. The problem is I am currently going to college and working part time and I am engaged to be married after college so as you can imagine it will be awhile before I am actually able to get a gray but I have already done ALOT of research and I know what I would be in for. I joined this form in hopes of gaining even more knowledge about my future gray.<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2008/07/06 07:21


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Kitty, meet Kittykittykitty,:P I just had to do that!!!


So glad to hear from you again Kitty, we have missed you but know that you have been busy but thats life.


I love your new bird, Griffin and you are doing an excellent job with socializing him, maybe you can give us some pointers on doing this, we certainly gave you lots of info, btw, got that book finished yet?B)

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