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Nasal discharge scare


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What are the chances that my new baby happened to sneeze up a small bit of baby bird formula about 30-45 minutes after eating? He was happily sitting on his perch when he sneezed, there was a small line of brownish paste just below his right nostril. It had the color and consistency of his food. I took a photo for the Vet and then cleaned him up.


No matter the replies here, I'll be calling the vet, but I'd like to at least know how likely it is that this is typical. My other grey was a bit older than this one when I adopted him and it's amazing the difference a few weeks can make. Just when you think you've been there and done that, you realize you have no idea what to expect. I've been turned into a proxy-hypochondriac!

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It may be possible but i imagine if that was the case then it would have meant your baby inhaling formula which is extremely dangerous,you are doing the correct thing by consulting your vet for advice.

Birds sneeze for the same reasons we do: dust, nasal irritation, small bug or down feathers up the nasal cavity. Continual sneezing accompanied with a nasal discharge would require a vets exam.

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I hope this works. I am replying from my phone. :). It only happened that one time. I've been spoon feeding-to avoid any aspiration problems-allowing the bird to take the food, rather than using a syringe. I guess that doesn't preclude the possibility that it was lodged in his nasal cavity. I've been checking his nares often and other than that one event, they appear to be clear. His respiratory system sounds clear, but I'll leave the final judgement on that to his vet. I'm still waiting on his bloodwork from last Wednesay's exam. Hopefully that will be good news

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It may be a pure one off or is it possible your baby had a little formula left on from feed time ? ! i know you are fully aware of the potential dangers of handfeeding & your rightly so have checked his breathing, nares etc.. i dont think you have too much to worry about but consulting your vet was the appropriate action ;)

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If the formula somehow got into his sinus cavity, your vet will likely want to exam him, and possibly flush his sinuses. Food residue can lead to sinus infection, that can't be good for a young bird. :ohmy:


Fingers and toes crossed that this is just something very minor. Keep us posted. :dry:

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Just keeping everyone posted....


The vet wasn't overly concerned by the single incident. She wanted details on his diet, weight, etc. I've been keeping morning and evening logs of his weight and the quantity of food eaten, so that was easy enough.


The bloodwork came in on Friday and all was well. His calcium score was an 8.4, which is just under the low end of normal, which starts at 8.5. I've been putting more effort into introducing calcium rich foods, with a good calcium/phosphorus ratio. So, hopefully that'll be more within range on the next visit.

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