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New Eclectus Parrot


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I have, several birds. In order of appearance (in my flock): Sundance - 26+ (really!!) male teil, Phenix - 30'ish TAG, Charm - 1-1/2 Quacker & Kura - 1-2 female Eclectus. The old guys go back 20 or so years with me. The Quaker was a couple of months when she came home & my brand new Ekkie.


I have some experience with birds. I bred the teils by accident. I had a hen who was going to kill herself if I didn't get her to stop laying eggs and that was the only way. Phenix was a train wreck when rescued. There have been all sorts of birds around all my life. But, nobody thinks quite like my new baby!! Hence, this post.


I got her from the pet shop that she'd lived in all her life. They were new owners who didn't know what they were doing, to be kind. She was cowering in the corner when I first saw her. She saw him & started to tremble. She saw him with the stick & started to quake. He said she wasn't friendly and "needed work".


I couldn't bear to see this. Short version is, it was love at first sight, on my part. I couldn't help but spend some time with her. In that short time it turned out that I got farther with her than anyone else had.


To be fair, the rest of the birds weren't seemingly badly off inspite of the new owners. And the wife struck me as decent. She made me an amazing offer on the bird. They and the previous owner hadn't been able to sell her with her attitude & she quickly assessed an opportunity to make everyone happy.


Kura & I are very happy. It took me about 2 hours to have her pretty settled in the crook of my arm & scratching under her wings! She still has issues with coming out of her cage, but is very happy once we get past that... unless, I try to give her a bath!! She is getting around her cage so much better! She has discovered the tremendous joy of fresh food. She never cowers & hasn't done more than nip a couple of times since the first day. Yesterday, she said "Hello" to me!!




I have come to realize that she has a very different mind-set from any other bird I've known. Some of that is from her past. But, I think a lot is about what goes on inside of an Eclectus' mind.


I would appreciate any info from anyone who has adopted a youngster who had a long stay in a pet store.


I would really appreciate any Eclectus owner who would share any wisdom with me about living with these wonderful birds.


Thank, you so much. Val

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Hello & Welcome! I don't have any experience with an Eclectus parrots, but I know others here have. You have quite a flock! Your a busy woman. I look forward to hearing more from you, and maybe some pictures?! B)

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I too lack experience with eclectus parrots but we do have some members here who do and I am sure some of them will chime in with some ideas and suggestions for you.


You do have quite the flock and you have done wonders with a bird that most of us would not be able to handle so that speaks volumes of your love for your parrots.


If you like please introduce yourself in the welcome room, you have already given us a lot of info about you but maybe some more about the Tag, Phenix.

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I am owned by an eclectus parrot named Cash. You are very right in the fact that Eclectus are very different than any other kinds of parrots. I am not sure if I am able to post this here but someone will delete it if not okay but the best forum for Eclectus information is LandOfVos.com . Carolyn Swicegood runs the site and it holds a wealth of knowledge of all things Eclectus as this site does for greys. Please feel free to PM me with any questions you may have. When I got Cash we could not touch him at all. He has evolved into a wonderful bird but still a very independent boy. Hope this helps!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have an ekkie called forest...........they are very different, so much that ive found it makes them the odd one out. My other birds dont like him at all. Hes very thoughtfull and thinks before doing everything. He talks in the right context most of the time. Hes very quiet compared to my grey and is quite happy to just sit near me all day. He can have moods and gets very grumpy when food is about.Landofvos is good as clairebear said also try the eclectus forum. Its an australian one but therer are lots of ekkie owners there. I hope that helps.......glad you rescued her...well done you:)

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Sorry I haven't had a chance to write. Summer in New England is too short to miss the wonderful weather we've been having.


We've all been out enjoying the sunshine. Kura took about seven minutes to freak out a little about how big the world was & what was that wind about. http://www.greyforums.net/components/com_joomlaboard/emoticons/shocked.png



Then, I blinked & just knew she was thinking about climbing the 60 foot oak trees. Hated to tell her she wasn't coming out of her cage to play while it was on the deck.


Thanks, Talon, but I don't feel busy. They're all just the good part of my day, usually. Sadly, we are camera-shy. I don't know why. I see all these beautiful pictures & want to share. But everyone bats off the cages when I try. I'd like some for me, too.


Thanks, Judygram, but I feel like that's giving me too much credit. Though I certainly love them I seem to have "that gene". People get a little confused when their guard dogs sit up & beg the first time they meet me. But that comes in really handy since I have always been compelled to take on seriously sad cases.


I don't think I have much new to say in writing Phenix's story. I wish I couldn't say that I've seen too much of it written before by others.


Clairbear, I don't remember if I sent you a message or not. I meant to. Thanks & I had been on the Vos site before I was an owner. I have always been a huge eclectus fan. Don't know why I didn't think of them when I joined the club. So many years being a grey owner. I think I headed for what was familiar when I hit uncharted waters. This is the one bird site I've visited most regularly, for all the obvious reasons.


Kura does something to make me unbelievably happy pretty much daily now. She has come so very far, so fast compared to Phenix. I was a little afraid to take on another hard-case, but she truly is a treasure which is what "Kura" means.


She is, however, becoming quite her own girl. She will no doubt become as independent as Cash now that she knows she's safe to be herself.


Cocom, funny you should say that. Kura seems to have the opposite affect on my house. Though she's the biggest & the newest everyone has responded wonderfully well to her... even Phenix... at least so far. I have to go really, really slowly about that, so we haven't done too much, yet. I really thought that had everything to do with her thoughtful, un-threatening way. Very, very interesting.


And I love her "stillness". She settles into tranquil mode after she does her exercises during the day. Now that she's strong enough & coordinated enough & at liberty to play she has manic play times. Then, she happily settles down to watch the world or take a nap or talk to herself.


She's got a vocabulary, now, but it's just word-sounds. She has no idea what she's saying, yet. She still communicates bird talk or body language. Today, she chased me down the edge of the cage when I walked by with a bowl of ice cream. She wasn't happy when I wouldn't share because it was chocolate. It's okay that she doesn't know english. I get the important stuff.


Something I would like to ask everyone about is the "manic dance of joy"?? She goes one foot to the other, side to side, in and out, up and down. I thought she was freaked out the first time. I've come to realize that she is just so darned happy that she's well, manic. Any other bird who behaved like this would be posturing or threatened. Do anyone else's birds do this?? Or do they have some kind of 'I'm so happy I could... uhmm, dance' habit? http://www.greyforums.net/components/com_joomlaboard/emoticons/silly.png



Thank you all for the advise & encouragement. I will be looking to all available resources as Kura develops, so the more the better! And I will check out the eclectus forum as soon as possible. I like that it's an Australian forum. I'd like to know how the people who can watch them out the window see them. That must really be something!

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