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Future Grey Mom (Hello)

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Hi. Hoping to learn a lot from this great site and forums. I am also beginning to research and interview potential breeders in the next six months to a year for a baby grey.


Here's my introduction which I also put in my profile info.


I live in Memphis TN - my guy and I have 5 children between the ages of 5 and 14 and have a large old stone house in the heart of the Memphis historical district. We love kids and pets and have a lot of room for fun and hopefully a feathered baby eventually. I am a stay-at-home Mom and have time for a baby grey should we find a good breeder in the next year.


I had a cherry head conure many many years ago who had to go live with a veterinary associate of mine who also raised birds when my husband and I were sent overseas to Japan. I always wanted to get a larger parrot in the future and believe the time may be approaching to add one to our human flock.


Please help me find a reputable breeder who hand raises and believes in abundance weaning as well as keeping the babies near the family home and does not breed too many birds at once so the babies have a lot of attention. Would prefer if children and other animals were introduced or raised around the baby grey so its accustomed to many things.



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Hello Envie and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your quest to own a grey.


You are doing the right thing in researching to learn all you can before you committ to owning a grey. It is a lifetime committment and you must know in your heart that this is what you want.


There is a site www.avianbiotech.com where you cando a search for breeders in your state or area and maybe some of our members know of some in your area and can guide you in the right direction.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.

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Greetings Envie and welcome B) Great to hear you are really interested in a good breeder, taking your time and wanting to ensure things like abundance weaning, good socialization etc. The attached breeder really seems to believe in all these things. I was going to purchase from them, but then found ours searching around local breeders/pet stores. I cannot speak from any real personal experience, but simply from doing a lot of prior research I thought that this breeder/aviary had a very good approach. Again, since you are thinking 6 os to a year out, this type of breeder may be what you are interested in. Read up on them, and others. Keep us updated, search other posts for information and dont be afraid to ask questions!! ;)



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Welcome Envie to our family! I love that you are preparing for your new addition in the near future. That shows you will be a great mom! I look forward to hearing more from you. Ask any questions you might have. We have a lot of very knowledgeable members here. B)

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Wow thanks for the fast and warm welcome.


I am definitely preparing ahead. Having so many children, you realize that no matter how 'prepared' you are, you are never really ready - but as time goes on you get more experienced and its not so intimidating. That's why I'm doing my homework to learn all I can about greys first, before going through with the investment.


As I've read from many of you on this forum - An African grey isn't like going to the petshop and picking out something cute and fuzzy - I feel its a very big investment of your time and the rest of your life since they live such long lives. The actual cost of the bird and cage, etc. is nothing in comparison to the commitment you have to make. I realized this very quickly after watching many videos of greys with their owners and seeing a few up close. They are so intelligent and sensitive. I want my future grey to have the best start possible and that definitely means finding a good breeder.


Oh and its awesome you referred Pampered peeps dblhelix, because they are actually my primary breeder of interest right now. I wrote Beth, the owner and her daughters (who are beautiful and her oldest Lisa does their website) a few weeks back inquiring about babies. She sent me a really encouraging and nice letter back - She only has one baby right now and its already sold. She also has two more folks who have given deposits for future babies... and since she has only one pair at this time, it could be a long time before she has more babies.


Honestly, as wonderful as her breeding and family style seems, I may end up waiting until she has more in the future!


I'm hoping perhaps I can find a breeder with similar style and careful breeding/raising standards as Pampered Peeps.


Again, thanks for the nice welcome. I will spend some time here in your 'family' getting to know the birds you all love and gleaning bits of knowledge for my future parrot-hood... :)

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Hi M2MM - thanks for the link to your recommended reading... its a bit overwhelming for the parrot 'newbie' who doesn't even have one yet!


Can you recommend which book or couple of books I should start with? Keep in mind that while I'm familiar with the African Grey (and the Timneh) from my internet research, I've never owned one or handled one extensively yet and so I would like to read whatever book is for the beginner parrot owner. like: what to expect from your baby parrot as it develops from the weaning stage into adulthood, and what are the particular unique habits of the African Grey which require special attention over other parrots.


Training guides are good too, but since I don't actually own a grey yet, and it may be a long wait for one since I'm being very particular in my breeder choices, I need reading that will prepare me for owning one and what things I need to know in choosing one as well as raising a baby moreso than training one - those books I'll get later when I actually get close to ready to get my bird.





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hi envie and welcome here i have a couple of books that i bought prior to getting my cag these are the titles and authors they may be of use to you they may not you can only try

"""pet owners guide to the african grey -- annette de saulles """

"""african grey parrots a complete pet owners manual -- annette wolter"""

look forward to hearing your great journey to owning one of the most beautiful creatures on the earth

tonja & harley{Nature-00020095}

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Wow you guys are great. I'm so glad I found this forum community. Thanks for the book suggestions, I will probably order a couple of the titles you suggested in the coming weeks.


I definitely have a lot of studying to do. Just reading the various topics in this forum make me realize I have no idea a lot of the parrot particulars - like today I have read the food forum and am overwhelmed at all the information... what's good to feed, what's not, dangerous fumes and chemicals - eek!


My man is proud of me for planning ahead as I have in the past been impulsive about some of the things I wanted. He knows I've wanted a Grey for a long time and is glad I'm not jumping in too fast even though he's already approved the cost of this baby - its still a big leap.


Right now I'm going to focus on learning all the 'basics' of greys from you folks, read your stories and experiences, and keep looking for breeders. I think I'm going to wait a few months before settling on one, providing I actually find one with babies available... its starting to be apparent that Greys aren't as easy to find as other breeds - but that's not bad news, just makes this a more challenging long term project.


:) :)

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Hi and welcome from kittykittykitty also. I'm really glad you are researching before hand. There are too many throw away pets of all kinds, but it really gets me when I see it happen to a grey. As for breeders there is an excellent one in this area, but it's a long way for you.:huh: :)

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Yes you're right, California is quite a ways away. I don't think I agree with shipping birds (though a lot of breeders do and the birds seem to do ok it seems) and would much rather drive to pick up my baby even if its a long drive or overnight.


I've still got a long time to find just the right breeder and have slowed down searching. Now I'm just reading and educating myself on the breed and waiting!

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