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Your Grey - Your Best Friend?


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Nychsa - she's almost a year and a half old. Still very much a baby, which is ok by me, and yet sometimes she just seems so "aware" of things going on around her.


Last night was really funny too. I got the newest issue of Bird Talk and there is an article in it on the Uropygial gland with a mostly life-sized head of a grey on it. She just went nuts over that handsome devil! She was such a little baby about it that she made me hold the picture up close enough so she could "preen" him while I gave her head scratches. It was terribly cute! (And I can't read that article now without her making begging sounds to preen the photograph.) All I can say is he must be a really handsome guy, because I've never seen her do that before!

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Oh that is a hoot Zandische! Maybe you can get a picture of something like that :laugh: that would be awesome!


Bella is 14 months old now. She goes crazy over videos of other greys. I need to really make a video of her watching videos! :laugh:

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Well you know the way I think Liath is my best friend. Well Liath thinks Oisin is her best friend! And she looks out for him so well.


Today I had the 2 of them on top of the cage in the dining room while I made dinner in the kitchen which is an adjoining room. Liath was chatting away as usual, and Oisin was doing his baby talk and whistles. Usually I tune out what they are saying because they talk non stop. But after a while I began to notice what Liath was saying.


"Good Boy Oisin, come on, step up, come on, Do you wanna step up, come on Oisin etc etc" So, my curiosity aroused, I went in to see why she was so persistent. Poor little Oisin had landed on the floor, and with his wings clipped, he wasnt able to fly back up to her! She was trying to tell me to come and rescue him. When I popped him back up beside him, she said "OISIN! Kisses for YOU!"


Now THAT is a grey's best friend:)

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siobha9 wrote:

Well you know the way I think Liath is my best friend. Well Liath thinks Oisin is her best friend! And she looks out for him so well.


"Good Boy Oisin, come on, step up, come on, Do you wanna step up, come on Oisin etc etc" So, my curiosity aroused, I went in to see why she was so persistent. Poor little Oisin had landed on the floor, and with his wings clipped, he wasnt able to fly back up to her! She was trying to tell me to come and rescue him. When I popped him back up beside him, she said "OISIN! Kisses for YOU!"


Now THAT is a grey's best friend:)




What a great example of communal living in a "Flock" that truly watches out for each other. This is a touching story of the glue that binds your home and flock together....love and concern for one another.


This thread is really turning into a repository of everday events in a Grey's life with Human companions. It clearly illustrates they are Aware, Involved, Concerned, Connected and Communicating relevant to the present situation each and every waking moment.


Thanks for sharing this!! :-)

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Siobha - your story is adorable and now your picture makes me want a little Oisin for my Athena! After the way she's been mooning over her magazine, I can totally see a buddy for her in the future!


There's just something very satisfying in knowing that your "Best friend" also has best friends of her own.


Now if only I could convince my husband... :evil:

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What have I started:ohmy: ??? I didn't have to convince my husband. Oisin is actually "officially" his bird. They didnt always love each other like this. Liath has been nuts about Oisin since the day we brought him home, but Oisin took a bit longer to convince:laugh:


They are still babies though, Oisin is 1 TODAY (Happy hatchday, baby boy)! and Liath is 2 sometime this month as well (I don't know her hatch date :( ) I am not sure if they will be this nice to each other as they hit adolescence:unsure:

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