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Your Grey - Your Best Friend?


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Goood Morning everyone!


To our US Friends - Happy 4th of July - to our British friends - Sorry!! But we've kissed and made up since 1776 right??? :P


Well.. I'm wondering - do you sometimes feel your grey is also your best friend? I've really had this feeling this weekend. My greyhound Doc got bit by a water moccasin and has been in the hosptial for the past 3 days. Obviously this has been a very upsetting event and I've been in a constant state of worry since Thursday.


I wanted to sit and ponder this, think about it, dwell on it. But my little best friend Bella wasn't even letting me go there. Since Thursday she's decided to be a one bird stand up comedy show. Every time I was sitting around brooding she started doing something so absolutely bizzarre that I couldn't help but laugh. She followed me around every where, and when I picked her up one time - I kid you not, she pressed her beak against me cheek and made the kissing sound!


She was sitting on the window sill talking to herself "Hi Bella! Hi Bella!", then she would hold an enitre conversation on the couch bobbing up and down, lifting her foot while talking(nothing like watching your bird pontificate! I think she's been watching too many pundits on CNN!) - and then she snuggled and snuggled and snuggled. I can't help but think she could tell I was disturbed and she was going to stick by me.


I was so grateful for her company and I thought - this is how one feels about a life long best friend :)


How does your grey share your life with you when the going gets tough? Do you find that they help you through?




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Yes I firmly believe they can feel our emotions and she knows you so well now she senses you need a little comfort and she is providing that for you. I just love hearing the stories of her antics, she really is quite the character isn't she and she knows how to put a smile on your face.


My that sounds serious about your dog getting bit by a snake, I hope he pulls ok, please keep us informed.

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Best friend? Oh Hell no, these Greys consider themselves FAMILY. Bella has just proven that by her intuitive actions and hovering over you making sure your ok. :-)


I swear, sometimes it's almost like these Grey are either empaths or can read our minds.


Very sorry to hear of the Snake bite. Hopefully Doc is starting to improve.

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I love Harrison more than I ever thought I could love anything/anyone. I got her in April 2006...my mom was terminally ill and died that August. It was the worst time of my life. But I had a baby bird during that time and I had to take care of her...(actually at that time she was a he in my mind...lol)..I was acting like a little kid around her...playing with her toys to get her interested and such. She helped me through it and I didn't even realize it until later. It probably wasn't the right time to get a baby CAG...selfish of me, but whatever...too late now...if there's such a thing as soul mates, then she's mine. I know that sounds weird, but she is.

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Nope I can't say that about my birds. My husband is my best friend. And then I have a couple RL girlfriends. But yes my parrots are very good companions. And if I could only have one type of pet a parrot would be it. The furry and wet ones would have to go. :P

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Hi there Dan, Judy - we just brought Doc home - last night his blood work showed that he had stabilized, swelling is gone, infection is under control and he's as bouncy and happy as possible to be out of the hospital. What a fright that was.... Thank you for the concern :)


Dan you're right - she is family, and they do seem empathic - frightening thought though! I'm not sure I want to pass everything I'm experiencing on to her!


Judy - to me of course Bella is very special and her antics are a riot.


But what I'm really grateful for is that she seems to have a strong personality. While I was in a negative place, she didn't get dragged down with me but rather as Dan put it, she "hovered" and kind of took a "I'll take care of you Mom" role :laugh:


If she had a more fragile personality, she may have been dragged down with me... but, she showed me that she will not sit by and let me brood by myself. She was going to be with me and in good spirits, and we'll take on the world "together". She amazes me!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/07/05 18:33

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HeatherStrella wrote:

I love Harrison more than I ever thought I could love anything/anyone.


I know exactly how you feel Stella - I love Bella more then words can describe as well. Well, since she seems to be able to tell so quickly when the apple cart is upset, I'm going to make sure we keep the snakes away from the dogs and anything else that could upset things at arm's length!

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Hi Terri, pleased to hear that Doc is bouncing back ;)


And in answer to your question,yes my greys & my latest addition Millie the macaw are my best friends,as hard as it is for some to imagine i love them unconditionally,i have had dark periods in my life & at times my birds are my angels with wings who lift me when things get tough.

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Hi Terri, pleased to hear that Doc is bouncing back ;)


And in answer to your question,yes my greys & my latest addition Millie the macaw are my best friends,as hard as it is for some to imagine i love them unconditionally,i have had dark periods in my life & at times my birds are my angels with wings who lift me when things get tough.


Thank you re: Doc Tracy :) We're all quite relieved that he's pulling through. You certainly have love all over - and Millie - well, what is there to say - one big bundle of joy!

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I love Kumiko like he was my child. (My two have long since grown up.) He's more important than any best friend that I've ever had, and if he doesn't outlive me, I will be devastated! I come by my thinking honestly, my mother is the same way about her dogs. :P<br><br>Post edited by: M2MM, at: 2008/07/06 00:37

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M2MM wrote:

I love Kumiko like he was my child. (My two have long since grown up.) He's more important than any best friend that I've ever had, and if he doesn't outlive me, I will be devastated! I come by my thinking honestly, my mother is the same way about her dogs. :P<br><br>Post edited by: M2MM, at: 2008/07/06 00:37


here here M2MM! By the way - I love that name Kumiko.. I bet he's as gorgeous as his name :)

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I can honestly say that my 2 greys are the best thing that has ever happened to me, infuriating as they can be sometimes:laugh:


Over the past few months I definitely think that Liath understood what I have been going through, and has given cuddles and kisses at all the right times. She has the patience of a saint and will sit and listen to me for ages. They are my sanity, my stress relief, my sounding board, my comic relief at times.


I love my children beyond words, but there are some things you can only share with a grey;)

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siobha9 wrote:

I can honestly say that my 2 greys are the best thing that has ever happened to me, infuriating as they can be sometimes:laugh:


Over the past few months I definitely think that Liath understood what I have been going through, and has given cuddles and kisses at all the right times. She has the patience of a saint and will sit and listen to me for ages. They are my sanity, my stress relief, my sounding board, my comic relief at times.


I love my children beyond words, but there are some things you can only share with a grey;)


What a great quote! "some things you can only share with a grey" That's so true!! :) I still want to play Laith's video for Bella and video Bella yapping back at the video - you've got to see that Siobha! We might be able to get them on web cam talking to each other :laugh:

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Terri, I'm glad your dog is getting better, I bet you were so scared for him.

I love my TAG Lyric so much too- he definitely has taken the place of a child in my life, him and my dogs. Watching their personalities develop and get deeper as they get older is part of the fun for me. My Lyric can be an onery little imp one minute and the next he's giving me kisses. They really do become a part of your life you couldn't do without!

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Thank you Raposa :) Even though Bella can drive me to distraction sometimes, I'm pretty sure we both love each other very much!


Thank you for the well wises Lyric - Doc is doing much better, and he's more careful going outside now! Before he would just storm out, feeting moving faster than his brain! I'm glad he's being more careful and watching his step.


I can totally appreciate the imp-to-smoocher you experience with Lyric! Bella does that too - sometimes right after I tell her "no, no!" :laugh:

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I'm glad you broached this topic. When I tell people about my grey, they always laugh a little bit and look at me like I'm one of those crazy pet owners. But it's like my husband always says - no one understands what parrots are like until they have one. I wanted a conure because I thought they were "cute" - and instead this little bundle of grey feather jumped quite literally into my arms and stole my heart. Most definitely she is my best friend and I tell her as much on a regular basis too!


And yes, it's funny that you mention Bella's strong personality pulling you through. The books always say you have to watch your emotions around them, but I've always found that with Athena, it's a balance. I know when she's cranky. She knows when I'm feeling bad. We take care of each other during those times and that's really all anyone needs, isn't it? :)

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I'm so glad that your dog has gotten through his crisis with a snakebite. I also think of my birds as my children like M2MM said my kids are grown and gone except for one. Now I have my birds Tyco and Fergie are everything to me they just know what to do when times get tough Tyco can make me laugh so hard with the things she comes up with. and Fergie is always there to give me a hug or a kiss when I need it the most. I really don't know what I would do without them they are a very speical part of my life.



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Hi Pat,


Thank you re: my dog. He's doing very well again (knock on wood). So, hopefully we've done the right things to avoid this kind of thing in the future!


My kids are grown and out of here as well. So, in many ways - my managerie is certainly taken center stage here at home :) My kids are however involved with my birds as they don't want to stay disconnected from them in the event I'm not around to take care of the birds any more, the kids will take that over :)

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I think everyone has described the relationship between Grey and Owner as a family member, rather than just a "pet". They are truly on a level that a "pet" would never be.


I love my Dobermans also, but not as deeply or on the same level as Dayo. Kim and I often talk of how Dayo is our "Child". Our children are also out of the house and have families of their own.


Thats where the outside world just sits in bewilderment as we describe our Greys. It is also why we rapidly learn to just not bring them up any longer to our work associates, friends etc., unless they ask because they are truly intrigued and actually wish to hear more, which is a rarity.


The intellect, empathy, intelligent vocalizations associated with actions, items, desires and emotions these sentient beings demonstrate are beyond any "Pet" I have ever owned. Thus, the position of being considered a true "Child" and member of the family.


To illustrate - I was on vacation and home for 9 days. We all have our idiosyncrasies and schedules of how and when we do and say things. Last night, my wife was cutting up veggies and fruits for Dayo as he watched. She said out of no where, Dayo said "APPLE?". So I asked if she had chopped up some Apple. Her answer was No. She had chopped up Watermelon and Cantaloupe.


I told her Dayo was letting her know that "Daddy" always adds Apple too and Dayo was letting her know she had forgotten it!!


She also said, as she was sitting and giving Dayo "scratches" he said "Beak Rub?". She first wondered why and secondly, where he got that from.


Well, during the days I was on vacation, I would rub Dayos Beak and say "Beak Rub". He loves his beak to be rubbed almost as much as getting a good head scratching. Kim was shocked.


I asked her if she had added some apple or rubbed his beak last night. She said she had not. I told her to ensure she adds "Apple" to the fruit tonight and says "Apple to Dayo, to re-enforce his assumption that apple was correctly associated and understood by her. I also asked her to rub his beak and say "Beak Rub, to acknowledge he was correctly understood.


These Greys are certainly as aware and cognitive as atleast a 3 year old child and maybe even a 4 year old.


I was chopping up my Dobermans mix of dry and wet food the other evening in there Bowls on the kitchen counter, as I always do while Dayo looks down from above. Just as I picked up the bowls and started to walk and place them down for the Dogs, Dayo says "Whistle, Whistle" ( I mean he literally did the whistle I do for calling the dogs) and then he yelled "Chloe!!", "Whistle-Whistle Chloe!!". This is what process and sound he hears from me every night associated with feeding the Dobermans. So, there is no doubt that these Greys properly associate actions and words. They are not just "Mimicking".


I truly believe all these traits are why they truly become a "Family" member and considered as our "Child". :-)


Thats why we discuss things such as - What happens when they out live us, who will take them and love them etc. We ensure they will have a home, preferably with a family member they know and will live out their remaining days with their "Family".


It is also why we are so worried when they are slightly "off" or sick and ensure they get any and all treatment regardless of cost. It is also why any that experiences the death of a Grey, is completely devastated and distraught for a long time in mourning.


They are "Our Children".

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Dan, I completely agree!


One time recently Athena was sitting on my shoulder during a day I had taken off. I always tell her when I head out in the morning that I am "going to work" but that day it was well past the time I should have left for the morning and she was enjoying her time on my shoulder.


Abruptly, she reached down and kissed me and then asked very softly, "Go to work?" It was definitely phrased as a question and I was a little amused, so I told her, "Not today! Today I get to stay home with you!" At which point she replied, "I know! I know!"


They most definitely are our children!

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Wow Dan! Thank you so much for sharing!! Dayo sounds like he's really expressing how much he's connected! Isn't that wonderful!! Look forward to more Dayoisms!


I whole heartedly conquer with your conclusion that these guys are our families. Bella's connection to me goes well beyond that of any companion animal I've lived with. She "gets" things and she's in tune to everything that's going on. It's amazing. I don't think anyone can understand that unless they've spent time with these beings.... I think that is one of the reasons I value all of interactions on this board so much. I know people here have "seen" what it is like living with a grey :) And to me, that's a blessed life :)

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PS to my post though - I wish I understood the foot fetish thing though! LOL! Today while I was sipping my coffee on the couch, she "gurged" for my foot! :blink: :S :dry:


I think you were right Dan - it might be the red nail polish - maybe I should do my fingers red and see what she does!

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