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Hi, I have a sun conure and am getting a african grey in April, and would like to know if anyone has any idea's on introducing them to eachother. Our sunconure is already jealous when one of our dogs and/or cats come over for some "mommy" attention so I was hoping someone could give me some advice to make it easier on both birds...Thanks....

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Hi welcome here, Marir :)


Maybe talk to each animal about 'the other' and thereby deliberately mentioning 'the other's' name?

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Well, we go this weekend to meet our "new baby girl", I love the name Laidan (pronounced Lay-dan-meaning gray lady) or Keely...but not sure which would be best...That is a great idea...I'm kind of worried about Sammie our conure and the new addition meeting, just because of the way he treats our other animals...(dogs and cats) he doesn't allow them to lay on me. he runs and tries to bite them...of course we have close supervision with them at all times, but we can't have him upset w/ the new baby...I guess we have to wait until we bring her home.

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Oooh, that's a toughy. I hope that time and positive reinforcement will help out once your new baby is home. By the way, I love the name Laidan!!


After spending time with the new bird, always give Sammie attention and a treat, and continue to talk to both of them while interacting with the new bird. That's all that I can think of right now. Are you planning on having their cages nearby each other?

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yes, but not so close that sammie can "hop" on over to her cage...just close enough where they can see eachother and talk to eachother.. thanks for all your advice I'm going to try everything to ensure that they're happy.

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Thank you, Marir - I look forward to that :)


I know, it's nice to be with friends (even if it's 'only' forumfriends) I enjoy it a lot myself ;)

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  • 1 month later...

We thought it would be the end of April, but the breeder called and said Gabby was eating like a little pig, pellets,fruit,veggies, and she's ready to "fly the nest" lol... Waiting is the hardest part...How old is your baby?

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I just wondered, Honestly I didn't even care how old Gabby was, after Barb (her breeder) told us she was ours, and gave us a date on which she could possibly come home with us, everything else just left my mind, except counting down the days when she was "really" ours.

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Guest Monique

I would be very careful letting the two interact if that is what you are planning. One bite from the grey and your Conure could really be hurt. I know I have seen people who have bird rooms w/all sorts of different birds out together, etc. but we have never let our birds interact. Yes, we will let them out at the same time but one individual will only hold one at a time (other on a perch or playstand). And, we have never had a problem (knock on wood!) with a bird "going after" one another from across the room - but we always supervise. We are always pretty strict about when we put our bird on a playstand they are expected to stay there vs. go hop off and explore :) .

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Gabbys cage has a play stand on top of the 2nd level. it's the multi level cage. I'm taking them to the vets to get Sammys (conure)wings clipped again, and to do a 1st checkup for Gabby, I sure don't want Gabby or Sammie to get hurt. I cried when Sam had a broken blood feather and was bleeding!

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Hi there,


I'd go along with Monique's comments - I had an African Grey and a ring necked parakeet, and they HATED eachother. Both were flighted, and not only could I not let them out at the same time, I couldn't even let them out individually if the other was still in the room - they'd fly onto eachothers cages and start fighting. I don't think it's so much of a problem if there's more than one of you to keep an eye on them though.


Good Luck!



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