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when is breeding season


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As for actually breeding...


Your two greys, did you get them from the same place? If yes are you sure they are not related? I ask because inbred birds are not healthy. The babies often have "failure to thrive" and die before they wean. Also, how old are they? Greys reach sexual maturity around 7 years of age. Have your birds already been paired up because just because they are male and female does not mean they will breed. That is why birds are sold listed as "pair" and "proven"...proven meaning they have bred before and a pair just means you have a male and female. It can take switching birds several times before you have a pair that click. Lastly, have you hand fed before? It is difficult to feed 2-3 week old babies and they can be easily killed by too cold or too hot formula, formula not mixed right, or by far the worst; Aspiration. The worst way to learn how to hand feed is by trail and error because that only results in death. Be sure your up to the responsibly before you breed because no one wants to buy a parent raised parrot.

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Dovetailing on what Berna is saying re: finding out more about your birdes - Just from what I've learned about AG's to date, it seems to me that breeding AG's is NOTHING like breeding dogs or cats. I think if I were in your situation, I might do a good deal of research, reading and thinking about the situation before going into it. There's the whole hand feeding element to it, socialization etc.. Also I'd worry about how to place the babies well.. Do you already have people who are interested in babies? There seem to be tons of birds in rescues and that means without actually having a good home for babies, you may be find one of your babies in that kind of situation.

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Berna and Terri have both given great advice and asked good questions. One other to consider, is if they were opposite sexes and decided they wanted to mate for life with each other. You would then not have Greys to interact with. They would become a closed family and 3 would be a nuisance other than giving them their food and water. :-)

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thank-you all that anwered my question. my first grey who i think is a male was bought at a pet shop when he was 8 months old,and is now 7yrs old and a biter. the other one was found in the yard, about a year ago, looks like a female and is very sweet and tame no biting, i have no idea on the age of that one, but i'm reading up on everything i can to learn more on these birds.right now i have they're cages across from each other, they talk the each other back and forth.

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applepatch wrote:

thank-you all that anwered my question. my first grey who i think is a male was bought at a pet shop when he was 8 months old,and is now 7yrs old and a biter. the other one was found in the yard, about a year ago, looks like a female and is very sweet and tame no biting, i have no idea on the age of that one, but i'm reading up on everything i can to learn more on these birds.right now i have they're cages across from each other, they talk the each other back and forth.


Wow, sounds like your second one belonged to someone if she/he's domesticated and friendly. I imagine in Hawaii you should be able to find out what the deal is what that bird no? (as in who she/he belongs to etc..?)

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