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Toy found in everyday doo-hickey..lol


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Yesterday, I was sitting with Harrison and next to me was a brand new medication tray. You know the ones...they have Sunday thru Saturday on them..they're pop tops and you just put your daily meds/vitamins in the little cup. Well, I thought I'd see if H could pop it open...she did it on the first try. Then I put a treat in it to see if she could get it out..that was a little tougher but she got it out after a few tries. The I held up the tray lifted Wednesdays lid and put the treat in it. I closed the lid then asked her "where is it?" and I kinda moved it closer to her...she got it on the first try...then I set it up for another day she got it on the second try...but the 3rd try, it took 2x to get the third try...not bad, I say. I just thought I'd share my new toy idea. The plastic is pretty flimsy so I wouldn't leaver alone with it...it's something to do together.



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