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I've finally got a Grey!!!!


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I have finally achieved an ambition I have held for over twenty years and got myself a Grey. He is 10 months old and has been hand reared and is very hand tame with his breeder. Now I have brought him home, he will accept rubs through the bars but doesnt like me trying to touch him with my hand in the cage.


He is happy, eating and whistling. I just need to know how easy I need to go with him, he has nipped me once and I dont want him to get into a pattern of if he bites me I go!


Any adivce would be gratefully received.

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Tiggs two things:


1. Welcome to this forum, you'll enjoy it, like I do ever since I got to read about the great advices being handed out here by people that all care (about Grey's) B)


2. Why don't you just hold your hand close each time at the same place at some distance away from him (what's his name? how did you call him?) and after every few days you move your hand some closer so as he'll be getting used to your hand slowly?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have read about stick training where you get your grey to stand on a stick to take him out of the cage. The key to this training is that you keep cutting small pieces of the stick over time, to make it shorter and shorter so that your hand is gradually getting closer. Eventually you will have the stick so short, that you can have him step up to your hand. I would take it slow, perhaps 1" per week.


It's something to try anyway.

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Guest Monique

When you say he doesn't like you trying to touch you do you mean you're having a hard time getting him to step up? Or just that he doesn't like to be petted inside of his cage?

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Hi, I'm so jealous! Congratulations! I don't have hands on experience but I've pulled out my books and this is what they say about building trust:

1. When you reach toward your bird, speak softly and move slowly, turning your hand over in a non threatening manner.

2. Don't force physical contact.

3. You can use 'time forced' feeding, where you feed your bird three to six times a day and stay quietly with your bird while he eats. This does two things - it allows you to determine which seeds are the 'favorite' and allows a postive association of you being nearby while he consumes the seed. (Please don't confuse this with withholding food). Your birds favorite seed can later be used to 'lure' your bird to you by placing these foods on your hands before the food bowls are placed in the cage.) You can always keep pellets in the cage during the day, if you're not there during the day, knowing these won't be as welcome as the seed.

3. Spend time talking to your bird

4. Be patient

5. When the bird accepts your presence, move the cage to a place you spend quiet time, ie TV, Computer etc. This will allow him social interaction without pressure.

6. Imitate the noises your bird makes - this builds a relationship - it makes him realise you are part of his flock. It is communication.


I could keep going forever, if you're interested to hear more, please let me know. I don't want to bore you!


Good luck,


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