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baby My Congo Grey


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Baby is very very spoiled and doesn't want to be out of my Site for a long time while at Home I hand fed her from a baby How do u get a baby Grey unspoiled she has to be where I am all the time I don;t mind but there are times where I have to do other things when I am in the kitchen cooking she comes into the Kitchen and wants to watch me Cook is that ok for her to do she is just a about 6 months old, and she see me as Momma she has not started talking as of yet but she does whistle and Clucks like a Chicken would I am working on the talking part with her I read her children books and I play with her lots of the time she loves to go out side and go for rides in the Car.

She is very very Jealous of other Animals that I have as well and will bite them if she is on my Finger how do I deal with the Jealously part??? Sincerely Yours Michelle

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Hi Michelle:


I know what you're talking about. :P When you're cooking, may I suggest you have her in a small cage (like the Adventure Pack) nearby, but too close. Then she can be near you, but in little to no danger from hot pots and pans.


As for talking, don't expect any intelligible words until after her first birthday. CAGs take a while getting to words, but are good whistlers fairly early on.


Jealousy is something you will just have to cope with. It's very difficult to get a bird over jealousy. She is very young right now, and as she matures she MAY improve, but there are no guarantees. Reassure her that she is your "bestest" birdy, and this will go a long way in calming her anger when you pay attention to other animals.


She sure sounds like a character! :D<br><br>Post edited by: M2MM, at: 2008/07/02 09:02

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