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llama llama


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That photo is 2 years old, I've only recently given up my llamas. I bought the female as a three-year-old maiden in 2004. My husband and I were planning to train her as a pack animal to carry packs so we could go hiking in the outback. But, life happens and circumstances change. The baby's father (photo below) was given to me by his owner, after he inadvertently fathered the baby in the photo. :P


I boarded them at a farm not very far away, but the people who own the farm are retiring and are making plans of their own, and asked me to move my animals. We live in a residential area, and would not be permitted to bring them home, so I saw that I had little alternative, but to find them a new home. I realized that this was for the best, as my physical abilities to wrangle them was becoming seriously impaired.


Luckily, I did find a young family in another community that had just moved onto a small acreage and they were happy to take my little llama family, and offered me access to them. (I haven't taken them up on it because I don't like to impose. We communicate by email, and the llamas are happy, so that's all that matters to me. :)



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