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Tyco gets mad if I'm away to long


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It was so cute last night when I came home from work. Tyco climbed down the side of her cage all puffed up mad as could be I went over to her and said whats with you she went back up to the top of her cage and turned her back to me like I do to her when she's done something wrong. I said to her aww did you miss mom was I gone to long and she looked at me for a second with a look that could kill. So I start telling her that I would spend all day at home tomorrow not to worry and she turned around at let me give her a little head scritch. and then all was well again I can't beleive how mad she was I thought it was funny. I've had to be away allot lately and she not used to it so I guess that was her way of letting me know that she wanted me to stay home more.



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