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Grey Handicap?


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Just wondering if anyone has every had experience with this before.


I know of a baby CAG that is missing it's toes... the breeder said she that he is 3weeks old and still learning to explore, and that she will have this baby trained to perch on flat padded low perches by the time it is weaned.


Wondering if anyone has seen anything like this, or if it will actually be able to stand upright and live. It probably will need a special type of cage with different perches...


What do people think of this? Ever seen it before?<br><br>Post edited by: NLJohnso, at: 2008/07/01 22:13


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He should be able to get along fine without his toes. Especially if they were lost at a young age.

For safety's sake he'll benefit from a modified cage. It's always important to remember that a handicapped parrot won't really realize its handicapped.


I've seen many african grey babies with one or more toes missing. Sometimes the parents chew them off after hatching.


I did a google search to see if anyone posted their experiences. This is old, from 2003, but Sammy and his sibling have no toes/feet. There's some annoying midi music, but you can toggle it off: http://chilliescorner.com/samantha.html

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There are many Parrots born across the land the have missing toes. Some are definitely "Special Needs" yet flourish not knowing they are different.


Here is one video of such a Conure named Mago, He has the heart of a Lion and Loves his Mommy, as an example:







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I have 2 conure that have toes biten off on one foot 1 of them is missing 1 the other is missing 2 all thanks to a little love bird I used to have. You would never know there was anything wrong with them they do everything the same as if they where normal and had all there toes. birds adapt fine I also one of those conure lost its top mandible due to my African Grey biting it off he know eats on his own and has no problems at all with climbing or anything else he wants to do. his top mandible has only grown back enough to just barley touch his bottom mandable and I don't know how much more he's going to get. also he now has a slight sissor beak which I was hopping to avoid with lots of trimm to his bottom andabile while it was growing in but one side grew whil the other side didn't get much growth at all but its quite amazing how the adapt and get on with their lives as if nothing was wrong.




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