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Making your Grey Angry!!


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LOL Acapella!! Did you do this just for your Grey to see you do it or do you spritz your face regularly. :P


Greys definitely pick up on our emotional state as Acapella suggests. The first few times I misted Dayo, I became VERY apprehensive due to not wanting to scare him and have him flap around and hurt himself (He didn't) or bite as he did a few times. Dayo could feel my apprehension just walking to our master bedroom for the shower. My Wife kindly did this the next 4 or 5 times until Dayo just mellowed out.


Consistency is the key.


Dayo does not start preening until he is completely dried out. While drying he just sits like a bump on a log waiting for the drying process to finish. :-)

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Update, Update!!


I just gave Buggles his second bath in three days. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! He still hates water, but the entire ordeal was like night and day. He didn't even squawk. He jumped around a little....went from one end of the tub to the other and then just found a corner and submitted to the torture...LOL (not really torture). I soaked him to the bone. He's more playful and doesn't even seem angry at me this time. He is sitting on my shoulder as I type this...just as content as can be. I think he feels a little "uncomfortable" being wet, but I don't think he's mad. I think he could have bit through nails after his last bath. I have one small question though. How warm do they need to be while they are drying off? I put him in my office, turned off the ceiling fan, closed the A/C vent to the room, opened the widow to the outside (I live in Texas...it's about 99 degrees F today).....and he is still quivering a little. Do they all shake until they are dry. If I had to guess, I would say this room is easily 85 degrees F or hotter. I figure he's just a little "nervous" being wet?? What are your experiences with this? Thank you!! And I think I've learned consistency is the key!! :)<br><br>Post edited by: Motomazzo, at: 2008/07/05 23:08

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They naturally do a little shaking of the breast feathers anyways from time to time so that is not a clue that he is cold from being wet.


Josey does not preen either until she has dried off some, I guess they would rather preen dry feathers opposed to wet.


She doesn't like showers either but she gets them and never holds a grudge either:whistle: knock on wood;)

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