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Worried about diet.


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For those of you that dont know me, I have 2 greys, Charlie is a year old and has always been really good at eating. He has a mixed diet of fruit, veg, seed and pellets. My youngest grey Keeko is about 18 weeks old now, he was sold to me at 12 weeks as being fully weaned but still only picks sometimes at his fruit and veg, he really has no interest! I have even tried to give him feeds again which he refuses. Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone had similar problems. Its difficult when you had no problems with your first and I know they will all be different but I am starting to get a bit worried now. We have tried food warm, cold mashed, steamed, pulses, you name it we have tried it! Thanks everyone. Caroline;)

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I'm assuming that you weigh your baby every morning (after the first poop of the day). Is Charlie maintaining weight, losing, or gaining?


I've found, quite by accident, that Kumiko LOVES sugar snap peas above all else (they are very sweet), and he really enjoys a bit of fresh mango. So, in order to get him eating, I use these ingredients amongst other foods that I want him to eat. This seems to help. I also have learned not to overwhelm him with too much food at one time. He eats better when there is less in the bowl to begin with. He still can't eat it all, but he makes the effort.


I hope this is helpful.

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Thats a good point M2MM. Trying something they like mixed with other items/things can be a good entice for them to "Explore".


Every Grey seems to have likes and dislikes, just like our children. One may love banana's and the other hate them. The good news though, is their likes and dislikes change as the mature.


Example: Dayo liked baby food warmed up for a while, such as squash, green beans, carrots etc. Then he just started refusing it.


He liked cooked Pumpkin and Yams for a while, then stopped eating them. He does like Green beans, Peas, Corn, Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower in the veggie side and Grapes, Apples and sometimes will pick at an apricot, Plum or Cherry.


One way to figure out what they like/dislike, is to just cut up a bunch of various types of Veggies, raw or cooked and see what they may like. Do the same thing with various fruit.


That was the only way I could quickly figure out what Dayo liked or not. I do still offer items he previously showed disdain for because you never know. Sometimes the switch just flips and they dive into it like they have always loved it. :-)


Getting a weight reading everyday, first thing in the morning after they drop the first bomb is very important to ensure they are eating enough to maintain and also gain weight at that young age.

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Thankyou to both of you. M2MM, that is a good idea about using the favourite food. The only few things he will eat include, sugar snap peas, pomegranate and sometimes apple. I think I will include these and see what happens. Caroline:)

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The crafty approach - Try adding your birds favourite treat to new foods,you can push the treat into new foods & as your grey tries to retrieve the treat he will have to pick pass the new food.


Try offering new foods in the morning along with your birds regular food,Birds are hungriest in the morning & may be more willing to try new foods out.


Birds are social creatures,try eating a new food with your bird watching you,they may be more inclined to want to have a taste if they see you enjoying it.


Be persistent keep offering new foods everyday,even if your bird just throws it on the floor at least he has touched the new texture.It may take months for your grey to accept a new food .


A kebab stick, specially made bird kebab sticks can be purchased, Add different coloured fruit & vegetables & leave it for a few hours,as the bird investigates he will more than likely touch the food.


Presentation- Some greys love chunk's of food to hold while others will enjoy finely chopped or mashed food.Offer some foods cooked & served warm, while others for example carrots can be offered raw.


Bright coloured veggies & fruit often attract attention.

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