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Seperation Anxeity?


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So, Woody has been with me for about a week now. (One week and one day!) A little background info..he is a 6 year old male, and a rescue/previously owned.


I put his cage in my 'dining area' because that is where my desk is as well. I spend most of my time there. Well, any time I leave the room he starts talking. Not like screaming bloody murder, but going through his vocabulary of words in a random order. This includes his previous owner's dogs barking, whining, howling, fire alarms, duck noises, monkey noises and a couple phrases of "Go bucks!" or "Helloooo pretty bird". Now, when he lived with Laureen I'm not sure if she came running when he did this, but I do THINK (I'm not sure) that he is trying to get my attention, or get me back in the room.


Is he having separation anxiety? Because when I do come back in, and try to get him to step up he doesn't want to do it and he moves to the walls of the cage so I can't get him to step up. This happens mostly when I am trying to take a nap. If I get a play stand and put it in my bedroom, do you think that would help? Maybe a 'mini cage' (I don't know how I feel about just letting him sit there 'unattended' while I'm sleeping (with him on a play stand) but is it 'humane' to have him in a little cage while I'm asleep?


I know that if I cover him he will be quiet, but I only feel comfortable covering him at night, you know? My boyfriend (and my neighbors I'm sure! as I'm in an apartment complex) are getting a little frustrated. I'm trying to ignore him when he does this, but so far it does not seem to be working - and I just want some conformation that I am / or am not doing the right thing (or on the right track).


Thanks in advance, sorry for the novel lol



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He is probably just chattering to amuse himself. My guys talk to them selves all the time, but when I talk to them they usually stop to hear what I have to say.


Why can't you put him back into his usual cage when you leave the room? I didnt understand that part?

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I think they all do that you can try ansering back with somthing like a short whistle he might just be trying to find out if your still around. I know Tyco talks her head off when I leave the room. I have my birds in my room because thats where I am most of the time as I have to keep my legs elevated allot of the time due so I don't have problems with them. I leave them on there playstand if I want to nap. I'm a very light sleeper so if they are geting into something Or I hear wings flapping I'm awake and looking to see whats going on. they are usually pretty good. I try to nap when they nap that way its pretty quiet they always have a nap in the afternoon for an hour or so check to see when your bird naps and work your nap around his.



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Oh, the one he has I keep in the dining area with me....I was thinking about getting a 'mini cage' to put in the bed room so he can be with me when I nap (I haven't noticed him napping yet lol) and that way he will be safe if the cat got loose

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My birds all have a small cage for sleeping. So I understand what you mean by mini-cage. They each have an Adventure Pack that they sleep in at night, or when they need some quiet time.


Since you need to rest, I don't see why your Grey can't take a nap too (in a small cage in the bedroom near you.) It probably would be best to cover the cage, to encourage him to take his nap.


What time of day is this usually?

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Hmm, I wake up around 7:30-8:00 ... crash for nap around 11:30, bed time at night around 11:00 pm.


An adventure pack, eh? I've never heard of those...I'll check Google hehe :lol:


I didn't know if covering the cage would be all right, I guess that is what I was wondering deep down, I know at the Office (I work at a Vet's) we don't cover the dogs/cats until night... Thanks M!

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As others have stated, they do seem to vocalize when either your not in the room or not really paying attention to them. Dayo has this same tendency and it seems that they are either talking to themselves or just amusing themselves. :-)


You would recognize the "Contact" call, like a short whistle, wolf whistle etc. So it seems your Grey is just amusing himself.


If you decide to purchase an adventure pack. You may want to check out the ones with mesh Stainless Steel view windows. Greys can chew right through the normal mesh that most come with. They are pricey though, but in the long run you won't lose your Grey and you won't have to buy another adventure over and over when they chew through the mesh. :-)


You may just want to try taking the stand in your room when you are going to take a nap and see how that goes.

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I really want to get an adventre pack for my birds. Just so I can take them out to the park or where ever. I don't want to clip there wings and I know there is no way on earth that Tyco would let me put a harrness on her she rarely lets me give her a scritch never mind anything else.




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