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Attention span of a paper clip!?!


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Thanks everyong for all the great stories regarding hissy fits - I have another wee queerie though!

Alfie gets distracted soooo easily! I'm sure it's quite natural for a young bird, but will he grow out of it and be able to concentrate on one thing for more than 3 seconds, or is that greys for you?!

Interested to hear your views - byee for now.


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Dave007 wrote:

Tell me something, just how were you able to measure the attention span of a paper clip? Share your methods and secrets please.


LOL, actually I think Greys (when very young) have the attention span of a gnat. They do grow out of it, almost to the point where that can become obsessed by anything that interests them.




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I agree, a young baby grey just buzzes around from one interesting thing to the next. It all new, exciting, scary and strange.


They do grow out of it though, as you asked Lyn. Just enjoy those precious baby moments and laugh. The just don't last long enough and soon you will be missing them. :-)


Dave - I suspect it is the length of time for the Grey to move the distance of the gap of a paper clip.


Zip....... NEXT item!!! :-)

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judygram wrote:

What were we talking about here, hmmmm I can't remember.:whistle: :blink:


LOL.... I'm starting to think WE'RE the ones with the attention span of a paper clip. We sure like to get side-tracked. :D

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"" I know firsthand ""


So, I assume that in your spare time you're involved in scientific research involving the lengthy attention span of gnats. That's very interesting. It's about time that a person such as yourself finally turned this silly thread into something substantial where we can all learn from someone who has first hand experience. Gnats draw lots of interest in today's upper society but so far, everything that been said is just rumor and opinions.

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you guys are to much what a silly thread this is speaking of African Greys doing and saying silly thing. Tyco had me laughing so hard yesterday my Daughter came in just to be a bug as usual and Tyco said out of bloe go to H E double hockey sticks just like that I have no Idea where she learned it from but I laugh so hard there were tears rolling down my face My daughter didn't think it was funny at all as it was addressed to her.:laugh: :evil:



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Dave007 wrote:

It's about time that a person such as yourself finally turned this silly thread into something substantial where we can all learn from someone who has first hand experience.


Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2008/07/01 12:16


Dave007, sorry that my "silly" thread upset you. It was a valid question to me, and I just tried to put it across in a light-hearted manner.


Thanks to all of you who gave a helpful answer - much appreciated to this newbie!<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2008/07/01 12:17

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Please don't take offense to Dave's post, he is making jokes as usual and sometimes it is not in a light-hearted manner but Dave knows his birds if you have read some of his other posts he has made.


Dave has a weird sense of humor sometimes but he's all heart:kiss: :)

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