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Well..... I'm worn out now... This afternoon has been a battle of wills between my lovely little Miss Bella and I.


The biggest point of contention is the water bowl. Her cage has these holders with clamps that hold the water bowl in place. Her Grace has taken to simply lifting up the clamp up, releasing her water bowls and then she tosses them around. I've already changed the paper in her cage 4 times today :blink:


So, I decided to tell her "no, no" and try to reason with her as she has outsmarted the mechanism to stop her. So.. I say 'no, no', she runs off, and the minute I turn around she's back at it :unsure:


Just now we hit the all time 'no, no' high: I clamp the water bowl into place, she waits for me to turn around, so she lifts up the clamp, grabs the bowl and tosses it: I turn around, say 'no,no', she runs off, takes a running leap on to the bamboo shade, takes a chunk out, flies to the ground, runs over to living room and sees my cable for the computer and makes as if she's going to clamp that - of course I'm chasing after her :S and then she starts screeching! I finally pick her up and she poops all over my hand and has the nerve to say "ooop Poop Poop"!!! :blink:


I'm done! I am REALLY DONE! That entire episode HAS to have been on purpose! I just can't buy that she went through an entire battery of things she's not suppose to do just to spin me up right????


So! the water bowl clamps don't work, I can't tie the clamp down because she'll untie it... any ideas??


grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/06/30 00:36

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I think you have a very willful uncaring bird there. She appreciates nothing. She lives to cause trouble day after day. She doesn't care about how much labor you put into things. She's sneaky cause she waits until your back is turned.

She's one of those birds that doesn't deserve a fine home with a nice caretaker. It's best to just open the window and make her fly away. Then she can see how things are done in the real world. AND, if she comes back looking for forgiveness, say no and remind her of how many chances you gave her to straighten up her act. Face it, she's a typical female even if she is only a bird. To sum it up, dump her.

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:laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo: Ok Dave you gave me a good laugh!!!! You sound like you have a real good handle on these kind of "women", maybe I need to bring her to you for a couple of weeks :woohoo: Straighten her tush out!

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Yep, Bella is definately a manipulator.


She is getting GreYt satisfaction and enjoyment playing the "Dump the Water Bowl Game" and watching mommy freak out.... BIG FUN!!! Waaaaa Hooooo, lets do this one again!!! :woohoo:


While your running around signing the old Rolling Stones "I can't get no....... SaTisFaction". B)


Dayo does the same thing by flinging large cooking utensils off a hanging rack. He says "Uh Oh!!!" and I go pick them up and put them back and the cycle continues until I just leave them there. I must say I feed into this, because I enjoy it too. But, he knows the games over when the utensils just stay on the floor. :-)

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Hmm, Dan... I'd hate to have to put one of those hanging water bottles in there in lieu of her water bowls - she likes to take a dip in her bowls and make soup and I don't want to take that from her. But maybe I can get the water bottle so she always has water, but also leave the bowls. And when she wants to play "dump the water bowl", I'll do like you do - I won't pick it up, I'll just leave it - game over :laugh:!!!


Why do I feel she'll figure out some new game to drive me bannana wacky with though :S<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/06/30 01:21

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I see the picture and you see the picture but you're not really seeing the whole picture. Look again. The face, the eyes staring up at you. Obviously, she's just putting up with your sweetness. Look at her. Believe me, she's saying something to you BUT you just can't see the real truth. So sad:unsure:




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Oh yeah? Well Judy, thanks so much for your extreme negativity. Spreading those kinds of words amongst people here shows just how much of a lousy attitude you can harbor when things aren't going your way. Geez, silly me. I really thought you were okay in my book. I guess everyone can make a mistake though. In a way, it's a good thing when someone shows their true colors though.

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