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Indigenous trees


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Howzit, I'm hoping FairY reads this.

I have found amongst many a tree that can be used to make perches and that 'climbing thing'??!!

I am adding a link to a picture of this 'Sickle Bush'. I got a branch at an avian pet shop today and recognised it immediatly as it grows abundantly in our area. (will get husband to saw some large branches on farm for 'climbing thing')

So that is my story for now!!

thanks to everyone who makes this forum worth a read.{Feel-good-000200A


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Japie, you did not forget my question :kiss:


It's a multi-function tree I read :laugh: also used as some kind of medicine for different ailments....


Good you found out {Feel-good-000200BB}


Now: do you know how to make this perches and 'stepping thing' (ladder?)


Btw, do speak Zuid-Afrikaans? (I'm originally from Holland and speak Dutch, that's why I ask, because the two languages really resemble a lot)


The link is



by accident, or any other reason this : 2%7D was added to your original link in the 1st posting ;)

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hie hie hie....:silly:

Yes, our home language is Afrikaans, and we can DEFINATELY converse easily in this language. We farm with Dutch people and we understand each other just fine.

'Ons boer met aarbeie.'

Ek gaan probeer om die 'climbing thing' te maak met hout en draad...

Hope this made sense!!

Goeie dag!{Feel-good-000200A2}

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Ja hoor, ik versta je prima :laugh:


Wood and thread - take care, the thread is not made of iron :) that could easily puncture the birdie


But: I'm sure you know that already, Japie :)


good luck en een prettige dag nog verder B)

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I just cannot believe the bargain I got hold of today. thought I would share this as it relates to this topic...

I have been avoiding the 'birdie shop' for a while, but today HAD to walk past it in order to buy bread... and then of course I HAD to just look around...

In the far corner of the store I saw a 'tree thing'... I asked about the price and the lady told me that it was damaged... ha ha ha, the damage was at the bottom of the stand, a piece of the bark had come loose. Seriously, I would not have even noticed it. The store lady was appologetic and said I could have it at cost, again I think she got even this price wrong. I had seen one at another store for R2000. (more than the price of a bird) and I was offered it for R200!!!

needless to say that we spent most of Sunday carefully selecting branches from a Sikle Bush to make our own!!! I will take a picture and post it soon, but for now Japie is not sure of this 'thing'...:woohoo:

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