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Playstand is very playful!


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So, Woody came with a play stand, however - to me- this does not look like fun. I have the set of toys you see on there, but he just sits on the perch, and doesn't leave that spot. Is this not a play stand, but something else? Since this is all I have at the moment, how can I make it more enriching?


Thanks! Playstand1_copy.jpg


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You can dress it up with some toys that you attach to the perch, but he is not going to climb down off the perch to play with foot toys.


This is not a playstand. It is a just a stand with perch, food/water bowls and a Poo catcher. I have a similar stand I perch Dayo on when I want him out of the way for a while. :-)

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I have one that my hubby made, that I use when I am bringing a grey into a room away from the perch. Like when I am doing laundry or whatever. They sit on it and chat to me to keep me company!


I also use it to put them on when I am talking to them or training them to step up etc. And I use it as their toilet. They are trained to go on it on command.

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I don't find that very play-stand-like. It's definitely more of a perch. Especially since there is no good spot to hang or attach toys.

I have a home made wooden "stand", which is very similar in design to this. Food and water dish on each side of a wooden dowel perch, but I roughed the perch up with a dremel so it is textured (minus the metal mess-catcher, which would be very handy). It's basically where Edison goes just to eat breakfast.


There are some great play stands and areas I've seen members make... I think some photos were in the "pictures of your bird's cage" or what-not thread...


To make it more enriching right now you may be able to make a "box" out of branches which will sit on the metal catcher and make it accessible with some ladders. (wow, worst description of what is in my head, ever) You would also be able to affix toys to it. However, for the price you could probably either buy a more "playful" play stand, or just make one from scratch.

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I have one of those - it's just a bit lower, but other than that, it looks exactly like that. I put it in the living room in the evening and put poopy paper underneath it. Bella likes to sit with me in the evening. She usually sits on the couch, but when she has to do her business she goes to her stand to do it, or I put her on it if she hasn't been for 20 minutes. I've also put hanging toys on it that she likes to dangle from and I keep water in it for her and something for the munchies when she's with me in the evening.




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Thank you for the ideas! I definitely stopped by the pets section and the kids section tonight at walmart lol..still no luck. But I put a PLAY stand on my birthday list...so maybe the BF or parents/sibs will get me and woody one :D

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Klaus has a stand that's just about the same.

It's next to his cage, and I have a perch coming off the outside of his cage which kind of "hovers" over the stand. I fill those little cups with toys (and sometimes hide a treat in the mix). He LOVES to come and get all the toys out. Once they've all been dropped down to the table-top, I put them in the cups again so he can start all over. Also, I tie shoe laces and leather cords so they dangle off the perch part and he likes chewing those.

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My husband made the long chain part from spare toy parts. The swing is from a pet store. We put wooden hexagon blocks on the chain all the way up and she'll hang out on the long chain and chew on the blocks. She loves the ball in the middle. She attacks it, plays with it and tries to get it to scratch her head. lol She'll sit on the swing and sometimes fly around the room and land on the swing again. She loves it!!

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Sounds like lots of fun to me Its very easy to make a pvc playstand also and for about 20.00 you can have a pretty nice one there are lots of picture on this website some where take a look and get your boyfriend to make you one for your birthday I made one for my Grey and she loves I even made a swing that hangs above it so she can climb up on to the swinng if she wants too she has a great time on it so does my little Cockateil silly little thing loves to swing. its very simple to make things out of pvc I just put vet wrap around the pipes when I'm done so its easier for them to grip.



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Talon has the same setup in our kitchen as Heather does, only it is 2 circles instead of one. I'll post a picture of it. They LOVE climbing and hanging from it, and attacking the toys you hang at the top. :evil:

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Hmm, Woody literally just sits either in his cage, on his play stand, or on his perch that rests on my desk. I'll I've found so far is that he likes to chew up stuff. He came with TONS of toys, none of which he touches...he won't let me rub/pet/love on him quite yet...


The toys he has now are climbing ones for the most part...any ideas on other types of toys?

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