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Grey Reading List


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In the interests of all Greys and their human companions, I have compiled my reading list. I actually read and own every book you see here, and have categorized them according to My Opinion on their contents. Enjoy!

My favourite books include:


For the Love of Greys (Bobbi Brinker)

Guide to a Well-Behaved Parrot (Barron's)

The Parrot Who Owns Me (Joanna Burger, Ornithologist)

Sally Blanchard's Companion Parrot Handbook (aka The Happy Bappy Fun Book)

Good Bird! (Barbara Heidenreich)

The Parrot Problem Solver (Barbara Heidenreich)


These books will not only give you a lot of excellent information, but will also give you an idea about what living with a bird is like. (particularly: "The Parrot Who Owns Me" )

Books of interest: (worth at least a good browsing)


The African Grey Parrot Handbook (Barron's)

The Alex Studies (Irene Pepperberg)

Birds on the Couch(Ruth Hanessian)

The Essential African Grey (Pamela Leis Higdon)

Guide to Companion Parrot Behaviour (Barron's)

Keeping African Grey Parrots (David Alderton)

My Parrot, My Friend (Doane & Qualkinbush)

Pampering Polly (Terri Ann King)

Parrot-toys & Play Areas (D'Arezzo & Shannon-Nunn)

The Pleasure of Their Company, An Owner's Guide to Parrot Training (Bonnie Munro Doane)

The Second-hand Parrot (Barron's)

Why Does My Bird Do That? (Julie Rach Mancini)

Parrots For Dummies


Reference Books:(it's always good to know what your avian vet is talking about)


Avian Medicine (Tully, Lawton, Dorrestein)

Exotic Animal Formulary, Second Edition

First Aid for Birds (Julie Rach)

Manual of Ornithology, Avian Structure & Function (Proctor & Lynch)

The Parrot in Health and Illness (Bonnie Munro Doane)

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