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Columbus, Ohioans..lend me your hands.


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So, as most of you know I just got woody from a lady named Laureen. Now, I met Laureen through a lady named Maggie (Author of "Complete pet owner's guide: African Grey")...Woody seems to be doing fine, and I've been keeping Maggie and Laureen updated about his behavior etc.


Maggie seems very, very concerned that he is not stepping up for me. She says that if he is used to personal attention I should be handling him as much as possible during the first two weeks because that is going to set up the bounds of our relationship. Now, I would love to handle him, but obviously he is not letting me. I've contacted my Local Avian vet, the Columbus Bird club, and all the pet stores that sell Greys. I've gotten some suggestions such as "Try to get him to step up onto a perch then move him to a neutral area, then work on stepping up to your hand". The perch Laureen gave me she never used, so he is deathly afraid of it, thus I don't want to push that. I am relying this to Maggie, and she seems really upset about it. So she wants me to have someone come out to my place to physically SHOW me how it's done. Some one who is very experienced and knows the ropes. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong.


I feel like a failed owner :( - Maggie is upset about the whole thing. So, is there anyone in/near Columbus who would help me? I'm sure we could work something out.



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I have a bird who is terrified of hand-held perches and of hands in general. We get him to step up by hiding our hands inside our sleeves and offering the sleeve for step-ups.


It's not the end of the world if a bird is hesitant to step-up and you really shouldn't push them to do it so quickly. Give him time and a little "space" to get used to things, and when he is ready, he will do it without having to push him.


Just my opinion, based on personal experience.

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Please dont feel under pressure, you have a new grey and things are going to take time. My first grey didnt like to step up and would prefer to climb on to a dowel perch than go on to my hand. He still prefers to sit on my arm now. My second I have never had a problem with. Greys are like people, they are all so different. Just take your time and go at your own pace, and your greys. Dont feel like you are doing anything wrong. Caroline.

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Is Maggie saying that if you don't do this "right" then you have to give the bird back or something? I feel for you...it sounds like you got more than you bargained for. Not only do you have a bird to learn from and teach to, you have two women to report to. It sounds like Maggie is the problem...not you. For being an author of such a well-known book, you'd think she'd know better than to push the little guy.


When I was a kid and we had a parrot that just flew in our window one day..he was a Kakariki..from Australia I think....we tamed him by taking him into the bathroom. He had a little cage that we'd take in there. We'd open the door to the cage, he'd climb out and then I'd interact with him. The reason we did it in the bathroom is because it was a neutral spot and it was a small place...not a lot of space for him to go. He was tame before I knew it.


Can you just blow off Maggie? Or will that be a bad thing? I know it's rude, but it's better than being stressed...your bird can sense stress. If Maggie isn't willing to give you and the bird more time to get to know each other..more time as in more than two weeks, I don't think that's fair at all. Oh boy, I have so much to say but this is a family friendly forum. Who made her queen &^%$&@#!!!???


Grrrr...sorry, I had to say it. I feel for ya, girl.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/06/28 01:09

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No, I wouldn't have to give him back.. I don't think! :S


I couldn't blow her off - that would be verrry bad I think! lol She even mailed me a copy of her book with a note written on the title page..so.. I'm in between a rock and a hard spot. Yes, she does seem a little overbearing but I think she honestly just wants what's best for the bird.


Whew! It's soo nice I have you folks..I'd be going crazy. Good new though! I got a new toy for Woody today, its one of those kids toys you have the multi-colored rings and shapes that you have to put on a little peg...well, he will take them out of my hand and doesn't seem to distraught about my fingers anymore!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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I'd just start slacking off the communication. Just because you got the bird form them doesn't mean that it's THEIR bird. getting stressed about THEM is only going to make you more stressed when interacting with the bird, creating a feedback loop. Just take it slow and steady, talk in a comforting voice and don't work for too long at a time in a session and he'll be on your hand in no time.


GOod luck!!

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Guest Skuffy

Ummmmmmmmm I think its Time to tell Maggie to keep her Nose out...If they want the Bird back,,Charge Double price to them..Don't answer the phone calls/Text messages Just ignore her,,,,,You bring your Birdie up as u see fit now....:woohoo:

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I just saw your photo of Woody sitting on your hand! So maybe Maggie doesnt need to worry after all ;) Looks like you are definitely going down the right road with him. And taking things at just the right pace!



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