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Taking In Two More


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Hello everyone.I wasn't sure if this was the right place

to put this.Today I was contacted by Rocky Lee's previous owner.He passed away 2/8 from Conjective Heart

Disease at the age of 5 years old.Well we are still friends and keep in touch.The call started out with I have some good news for you.I couldn't imagine what it was then she continued on about a Congo named Rocko who was 5 years old and my heart jumped.She told me the story about how his owner is sick like her and can no longer take care of him.Well she told her about me and so Rocko's owner wants me to have him.So I'm ready to hang up and she says wait there's one more.Now I have to sit back down and by now my mouth is open.She goes on

to tell me about Henry who is a 10 year old U2 who has had many homes.Not really a problem.So we hang up and within minutes the owner calls me.BTW both of their names are Jaquie.So we talk and really hit it off and I tell her yes without talking to my husband.Oops!Well I call him at work and a few fuses were blown but the outcome is that I WON!:woohoo: So now is to rearrange and make the final day to pick up Henry and Rocko.Wish us luck.:blush:



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We picked up Rocko the CAG and Henry the U2 on Monday 7/7.They are a hoot.Rocko is very spastic but not too much.Henry the U2 is a different story before we even picked him up he started making a strange noise.I had to ask what the noise was and they told me oh that's Henry.It sounds like the noise of a pig.Once we put him in my truck he continued on with the pig noise.And when we arrived to our house it was the same thing.We were already warned about locking the cage and bowls as well

as keeking things away from his cage because he was an escape artist as well as Henry would take things into his cage.That didn't last but several hours before we were retrieving things from his cage.The next morning was no picnic either when my husband woke up to go to work at 2:30am. Henry started with his pig noises and then the dogs started howling and to add to to commotion

all the birds were woken up and started in with their noises.It was no fun dealing with all this 2:30am and having an appointment with one of the hyper dogs.So my day started of lovely and that was only in the first 24hrs,Well the good thing is it's not a permanant thing for Henry because a bird friend of mine will be taking

him.She knows all about his little quirks.I find Henry a little weird because he doesn't make any normal Cockatoo noises.So as soon as her move is situated then hopefully things will be set.

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