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Let me introduce myself.....

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First off, can i just say what a great find this site and forum is! i was visiting a while before i got round to registering, and what a wealth of information!

So my name is lyn, and I live in the scottish borders, uk, with my fiance David, 2 dogs, 3 horses, and recently, our congo african grey, Alfie.

He popped out of his egg on the 4th of Feb, and we brought him home on the 3rd of may. he settled in beautifully, and really gets on fine with everyone.

Had a bit of a hiccup and couple of weeks ago when we brought a plant into the living room, but we're getting over that now!

He's my first grey and I just love him to bits - have wanted him for 15 years or so, but just recently found myself in the position to have him!

He's trying like a bear to talk, have hear the makings of " clever boy " a few times! he picks up whistles really quickly, and he does my phone too!

What experiences does everyone have of their birds starting to talk - agewise?

His latest trick is hanging upside down off my finger when i'm trying to put him back in his cage - it's a bit tricky to get a bird to step off when they're upside down!!

catch you all later.

lyn. x

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hi lyn, welcome to the flock, this is a fab site as you said, been on here couple of months now and been reaserching since last summer in preperation for my grey. the info on here is fantastic, there is always someone with some good sound advice to any question.sounds like Alfie has settled in well and you are just loving him to bits :) I have my grey 2 weeks from now (12th july) he's called monty and he's 11wk old at the moment, I really and truly can't wait :)anyway enough babbaling lol and hope you enjoy it as much on here as i do

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Hello Lyn and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Alfie.


Thanks for the compliment on the site, I think it is the best one out there on the internet for greys and we do have tons of great info from our many members.


Alfie is young yet and he will talk soon enough, in fact you may want him to shut up next year at this time. Josey, my Cag didn't start talking until she was a year old and some talk sooner, it just depends.


If you haven't read them all already, read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions no matter how trivial or silly they may seem. We will endeavor to answer them as quickly as possible and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Alfie you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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HI Lyn and Welcome to our family! I'm happy you joined. There are a few threads here about what age they talk, if you search in the bar in the upper right, you'll find them. I look forward to seeing some pics! :cheer:

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Welcome Lyn!! I am new also on this wonderful site, and I love it. It has helped me so much already and I just found it day before yesterday. I don't know much about greys, because i brought home my CAG two weeks ago, and he is the ripe old age of 5.

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Hey Lyn welcome i have only been here a little while but this place is great. We have only had our Mickey for a week and 3 days and hes so settled i couldnt imagin life without him already!

Hes just 14 wks and 1 day and is getting very nosey he wants to know whats going on all the time .. Me and my daughter dont mind as its more company for us all as we are home most of the day if not all day and hes the best!

Im sure hes making some sort of noise like a dog barking lol .. we dont have a dog but the breaders did and we are wondering if he remembers lol every breakfast time once i start getting the vegies out hes off barking im going to have to get a video of him.

Hope you have a good time here and hope to hear lots more about you and Alfie and the rest of the family :)

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Welcome Lyn! :D


Sounds like you are getting on well with your Grey. :) Generally, Congo AGs start talking at a year old, and Timnehs (smaller type) Greys at about 6 months. Not all Greys will talk, but chances are that they will, IF you talk to them. ;)


Have a good read through the threads and don't be afraid to ask questions. That's why this site exists. :P

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