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My Grey is picking feathers


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Hi I have a grey (victoria) that won't seem to stop picking her feathers. It all started when I moved out. Finally after 3 months of convincing my mom I finally brought her to my apartment. Where she is out everyday and recieves alot more attention overall. I figured that would do it but she hasn't stopped or even slowed down. She will be 18 in april. My dad bought her in 1989 and then he passed in 1994. She then went back and forth to my uncle and step mom. I finally got her back in 1998 (no one could stand her loud squalking). As soon as she moved home to me that all stopped I still in 2007 haven't heard any of her old squalks. So I would assume she is happy she sings and dances alot and is very playful. I feed her 8n1 seed nut fuit mix with fresh apples and carrots everyday and she usually gets fruit loops for breakfest. Any body have any ideas suggestions. Thank you

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It may be because of a variety of reasons, none related to the current situation, although I've read there are Greys that pluck feathers because of over-attention (soon as they see the owner run towards them they pluck out a feather :blink: )


In all cases - did you go to see a vet? Because it's plain logic that you should rule out physical reasons first.<br><br>Post edited by: FairY, at: 2007/02/22 22:55

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Yeah she just went in for a clipping and the dr said she felt good no lumps or bumps her feathers looked great her wings were at full growth. He said that stress could do it but there are many other reasons that could make her pluck like her diet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I swear on my birds lives that Pluck No More from Kings Cages works wonders also love their feather shampoo...birds hate it thoughand I get bit alot...lol

But I have two CAG who had poor feather and nutrition when I got them and the PNM is working wonders.

I also add Spirulina and Bentonite to food and Aloe to my bird spritz.

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I have heard and read that sometimes once a grey starts picking or plucking its feathers, it can just turn into a habit. Kinda like biting your nails. Maybe it started when you were stressed, but just developed into a habit that is hard to break. I would try the Pluck No More. Nothing to lose!


Good luck and keep us posted!

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No, I don't use it on any of my birds, but none of mine are feather pluckers/pickers. I definitely would try it if one of mine started for one reason or another, though, besides determining what the stress factor was. I wouldn't want it to escalate into a bad habit.

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I see ;) I just wanted to hear if it actually works (other than the usual commercially recommendations) - from someone who use it or knows of people using it.


Thanks for your answer :)

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