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Multi-bird home & free flight


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well, after watching a couple clips of free-flying birds, i am amazed, obviously, i would NEVER EVER take either of my three birds outside unless harnessed (and having just recently discovered a distributor of aviator harnesses there WILL be outdoor flight-- don't worry, my yard is relatively barren, so no trees to hide hawks or whatnot, also, dogs keep cats and things away). that said, despite my exuberence in terms of watching these majestic parrots do what they are made to do and seeing them so happy, i am hesitant because of the realities of my birds. the TAG is territorial, thus, any bird who lands on his cage is going to lose toes. although the tiel has learned to stay away (at the price of a toenail) the lineolated parakeet has not. i've just got horrible images going thru my head... i don't want anyone to get injured, but i know there are benefits to free-flight.... what are your thoughts, anyone know any good websites, books, videos etc on this subject?

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I personally wouldn't ever do free flight with my CAG. Although I can imagine it must be a wonderful feeling to watch them, air currents or noises may spook the birds and cause them to fly off. There has been too many people that have lost their birds this way, the most recent being that of Tui, a wonderful CAG who was incredibly clever getting swept off by an air current. Needless to say, her owner is absolutely devestated at the loss, and that's one feeling I just wouldn't want to experience.


My opinion though, others may disagree with that :)

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I agree with Pixie... I'd hate to lose Dexter that way. If there's a risk of having toes/nails bitten off, as well, then the risk seems too high to justify the benefits. I hear you - it does seem like they'd be happier flapping their way around the house, but not of they could get injured or lost... IMHO, at least.

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I have to keep my parrotlets clipped to stay out of harm's way with my TAG (he would have no conscience about killing them if they got too close. Parrotlets are fearless by nature.) My TAG is the only flighted bird in our house, he get so much exercise from flying in the house, and is such a delight to watch. He still spends considerable time in his cage because too much free time makes him overly cheeky and territorial.


We take extra precautions whenever he's out. Everyone checks where he is prior to opening any outside doors or windows, especially when coming in from outside. We've already put in an extra door in the kitchen to create a vestibule, which prevents an easy exit for a flying bird. We've also bought a set of french doors to create another vestibule for the front entrance. All windows are screened, but they don't fill me with confidence since it's a plastic mesh that our TAG could easily cut his way through if he chose to. So, we are very watchful whenever a window is open, we don't trust him to stay inside if he ever got the opportunity to sneak out. All his "out" time is supervised.


I would be very hesitant to free flight any bird. I know two people that have lost their CAGs after "recall training" them when outside. Luckily, due to very diligent searching and with the help of many compassionate people, both birds have been reunited with their human companions, but it took a LOT of hard work and took its toll in emotional agony. Neither of these people will be taking their birds outside without harnesses or cages ever again. At least they learned their lesson well.


Too many others that I've read about, have lost their birds altogether, and now regret ever taking them outside without harnesses. I don't see that free-flight training is worth the risks for either the bird or the person.

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mmm.. well i think that might be what i'll do too, just let the TAG fly and keep the other two clipped, also, he is my most tame and bonded bird so in terms of indoor flight and recalls and all this i'll have the most success with him i think. also he is largwe and a bit more noticeable compared to the linnie and tiel who would be easy pickings and/or easily lost as i just don't trust most of the harnesses for smaller birds.

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