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Calm Behavior...Problem?


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Hello everyone,


I haven't posted in a LONG time. Things have been going great with Bug...Bugless...Bugless Douglas...Cuddle Bug....whichever one you want to call him. He seems very healthy. He's very sweet natured. Eats his Harrison's Pelleted diet like there's no tomorrow. We give him fresh fruits and veggies everyday (10% as Harrison's suggests). I just started thinking here the last few days (actually my wife and I have been watching videos on Youtube) that Bug seems a little...I don't know...too calm? Not very playful. Pretty quiet really. He never really plays with his toys in his cage. He plays with stuff we give him when he's out for a while...then he sits. I work from home and he sits on a chair next to me in my office. It's his favorite place in the whole world. I take him out of the cage and put him on the floor and he will walk all the way to my office and climb his chair and just sit. He could and will sit there for hours. And lot's of times, he doesn't want to "step up" from there. He just wants to sit. He acts very "baby" and scared kind of....if you do anything "crazy". Like last night I was just trying to move my hand around a little more than ususal...just trying to be playful with him. I can't tell if he likes it or not. He'd definately rather snuggle than play. He sat in my lap last night and let me pet his head/neck for 30 minutes. He's a snuggle-bug for sure. Anyway, he's only 10 months old and I wondered will he "come out of his shell" more as he gets older? To be honest, we don't mind his subdued behavior. He's our boy and we love him. He's quiet which is nice. But I want to make sure there's not a problem too. Sorry so long.

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Try foot toys Maybie he doesn't like things that he can't toss around and shake and smash against things. Tyco won't play with her toys that are hanging in her cage either. If she can't pick it up and smash it against the side of her cage or play stand she want nothing todo with it. She has a basket full of stuff on her play stand that i have to constantly be picking up because she's chucked it across the room. and then after I pick them all up for her she does it all again.



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Wish I had your problem. :) Dexter is a madman - flinging toys and squaking; climbing up my body so he can try to yank out my earring or nibble my nose; climbing up and down, up and down, up and down his cage... A nice snuggle would be *heaven*.

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Hey Lovemygreys,


Thank you for the link!! I'm such an idiot. I was looking around at the little "thumbs up and thumbs down" icons under your name and I accidently clicked the "thumbs down". I am so sorry. I don't even know what they mean much less did I mean to reduce your Karma!!! Arrggg. Sorry. :unsure:

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I adopted my TAG earlier this month and was entirely preparred for this loud, early riser, biting bird... and then I met Zazu.


Zazu is extremly quiet (unless provoked), chirps only to my boyfriend really. Doesn't talk to himself at all (only to people on occasion) and is perfectly happy hanging out on his play top cage and just watching everyone. We have a very quiet household, but was ready for a loud AG, however Zazu is not by any means. I even wake up before he does!!


He is also very affectionate and loves to cuddle with me. Needless to say, I was very suprised but also happy.


I guess they really do all have different personalities!


Good luck with your baby!B)

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Yes they do all have different personalities but then that is what makes them so unique. Josey is actually a quiet bird, my sun conure is more noisy but I think too if your house is quiet then they are more quiet and homes where there are a lot of children and more noise they are louder, they tend to adjust to their surroundings.:side: :cheer:

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That's good to hear. We have a quiet household as well. It's just the wife and me here...no kids. We have two keets and they "talk it up" most of the day, but outside of that, it's really quiet. I keep the radio on low if I leave the house or if I put them in their cages, but I work from home so pretty much all day every day the keets are out flying around and Bug is on his chair next to me. It's so funny. He will sit for an hour dead quiet with a foot pulled up...I will quit typing or whatever and just turn and make eye contact....and he will just make a little cluck...or small whistle and that's it. If I feel like he's "being neglected" and I try to pick him up, he just bows his head for some "scratchy"....won't put his foot down or anything. So I have to feel the little guy is happy as can be. Sure seems content. Just very quiet. Now if I could just get him to like WATER!! Arrrrgggg!! :P

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Guest Skuffy

I live in a MAD house most of the time..ME the Mrs,13yr old and 20yr old..Then everyday at 10 past 3 end of school,my daughter comes with her 3 kids ages 7yr..6yr..and 4yrs...Max just sits in his Apple Tree out of the way and shouts now and again...But if any-1 has crisp he down and stood low backed and flapping to get to you..At the moment he's atken to sitting in the kitchen on the washing basket...:blink: don't ask me why..lol..He sits there singing his lill head off..Its so funny.

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