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Hey guys,


Zahzu was busy playing on her tree perch and she called me so went over to notice 3 rather large drops of blood on the floor and blood on her perch! She's' got a lil blood on one wing feather and a bit by her tail, but bleeding has stopped.

I dont know if she's plucked her wings so much its bleeding, or if she broke one of the blood feathers that are growing on her tail. I called the vets but nobody is available - and not keen on taking her back to the vet she has been to in the past.

She was playing normally and everything, but now I put her in her cage and she's sleeping. She seeems ok, but I'm worried - I dont want to force her to see where exactly she's bleeding from because I'm worried if she flaps her wings too much it'll start bleeding again if it is on her wing. I'm suspecting it is from a tail blood feather though, due to the position of the blood... and the stained white feather near her tail.


Very worried guys - help!



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Hi Sameera,


Just keep an eye on her to see if any further blood appears. If it is a blood feather (most likely) they will in most cases coagulate and stop bleeding, as it seems you have indicated that it has.


It is very disturbing to see the first time and very alarming. But, in most cases, they will stop and be ok. :-)


If you do find it starts again, you can try dabbing some corn starch on it to assist in coagulation. If you can not stop it, then a trip to the vet will be required.

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Thanks DanMcQ - I have been sitting with her and she preened herself on my lap - and it is not a tail blood feather - but the blood is on the edge of the wing - where she is plucking her feathers - she does seem to be getting new feathers so do you think she damaged a blood feather?

I hope that is what it is - and that she hasn't plucked her feathers so much that its breaking the skin now.

I'm just keeping a close eye on her and we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again...

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